Well 30 Modeling
Model Grid and Setup Well 30 Well 31 Well 27 Well UC-H2
Boundaries Constant Head General Head
Model Parameters 1 layer Unconfined Only pumping Wells –Well 30 –Well 31 –Well 27 Boundaries –Constant Head Top and Left Side of Model –General Head Bottom and Right Side of Model
Layer Properties Conductivity K x = cm/sec K y = cm/sec K z = cm/sec V x = 130 ft/yr Gradient of Storage S s = (1/ft) S y = 0.2 Effective Porosity = 30% Total Porosity = 35 %
Initial Conditions Water Levels –1974 Groundwater contours from Kaiser Steel Corp Report, TDS Concentrations –2000 model results from Kaiser Steel Corp Report, 1986.
Well 30: TDS value 254 mg/l (no pumping from year 2000 – 2003)
Well 30: TDS 480 mg/l (with pumping from 2000 – 2003; 2500 gpm)
Well 30 TDS Impact vs. Pumping
Pumping rate 2500 gpm
Well 30 (Pumping Rate 0 gpm, 3650 days)
Well 30 (Pumping Rate 1000 gpm, 3650 days)
Well 30 (Pumping Rate 1500 gpm, 3650 days)
Well 30 (Pumping Rate 2000 gpm, 3650 days)
Well 30 (Pumping Rate 2500 gpm, 3650 days)
Union Carbide – Particle Tracking 5 years
Union Carbide – Particle Tracking 10 years
Union Carbide – Particle Tracking 15 years