Highlights 2006: MDN/Hg in Air Truly the last year of planned monitoring Precipitation collection (wet deposition only) One of four CA sites (added Sequoia NP July 2003, Converse Flats Apr 2006, Yurok Tribe-Requa Aug 2006, Covelo closed 2001) 2005 cumulative wet deposition similar to previous years (2000, 2003) Mini study by USEPA Region IX in Guadalupe Hg air NASA and Calero
Highlights 2006: MDN
Results: MDN San JoseSequoia 2 nd half ng/m m precip 17.7 ng/L (3600 ng/m ng/L all year) 2560 ng/m m precip 4.87 ng/L ng/m m precip 7.88 ng/L 1740 ng/m m precip 4.22 ng/L ng/m 2.431m precip 8.26 ng/L 6415 ng/m m precip 4.98 ng/L
Results: NASA vs Calero Concentrations NASA not directional, Calero max from W
Plan 2007: MDN/Hg in Air Analyze and summarize San Jose data MDN reporting generally ~6 months behind Draft tech report early Q2 in ’07, final Q3 Follow up Guadalupe Watershed Air Data? Dependent on Region IX mobile lab willingness/ availability