CAMP GRADY SPRUCE Departure: December 14, 9:00 a.m. Arrival: December 16, 3:00 p.m. ***Please make arrangements to drop off and pick up your child on these days. Students cannot bring their camp items on the regular school bus.***
Chaperones There’s room for you!!! Cost is $95 Heated cabins 5 students per group Mandatory Chaperone Meeting December 8, 5:00 p.m.
Discipline and Dress *We consider camp an outdoor classroom, therefore student code of conduct and dress code apply. *Behavior and dress are safety issues.
Things to Bring 4 Long-Sleeve Shirts 2 Sweatshirts or Sweaters Lightweight Raincoat or Poncho 3 Sweats, Jeans, or Long Pants 3 Pairs of Socks 3 Underwear 2 Pairs of Shoes for walking and comfort (one pair that can get wet) 1 Towel, 1 Washcloth Personal Toiletries Soap, shampoo, deodorant, foot spray, etc. Sleeping Bag or 1 set of Sheets and Blanket Pillow / Pillowcase Flip Flops for Shower Use Book for Reading ***LABEL EVERYTHING!***
Things Not to Bring Jewelry Electronics Radios, MP3s, iPods, electronic games, etc. Hair dryer, curling iron Food or snacks Knives or other sharp items Other expensive items Cell phones are not permitted at camp (just like at school).
More Things to Bring For their backpack: Pencils Journals Full water bottle Sunscreen/bug spray Disposable camera Flashlight with fresh batteries Sunglasses Cap or hat *Sack lunch and drink for the noon meal the day we leave.*
A Typical Day: 7:00 amwake up, clean cabins, get ready for the day 7:45 hoppers to the dining hall 7:50flag raising—all but hoppers must attend 8:00breakfast 9:00activity and trail time 11:40hoppers to dining hall 12:00 pmlunch 1:00rest 1:45activity and trail time 5:40hoppers to the dining hall 5:50 flag lowering 6:00supper 7:00evening activities 9:00to cabins 10:00lights out
Activities: Star Lab Hayride Canoeing Night Sensory Trail Archery Orienteering Hiking Campfire Devil’s Island Skits
Contact Information In case of emergency call… YMCA Camp Grady Spruce: (940)
Hug from Home Campers love to get mail! Camper’s Name Sendera Ranch Elementary YMCA Camp Grady Spruce 3000 Park Road 36 Graford, TX Send 1 week prior to camp (Dec. 7).
What’s Next? Before you leave tonight Turn in all forms (pink form must be notarized) $50 deposit due December 7 All medication due to Nurse Cote Mail a hug to your camper Mail a hug to your camper December 8 All money and forms due Mandatory chaperone meeting, 5 p.m.