Bellwork October 13, 2015-Copy and answer.
Standard/EQ ELAGSE7L1: Demonstrate commands of standard English grammar and usage when writing. ELAGSE7RL1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support the analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. ELAGSE7RL10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiency, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. EQ: How does Jonas react to certain memories? How does he change as a result?
Hook: Parts of Speech Watch: Linking Verbs Video
Mini-Lesson Linking verbs: Using the foldable we made… Define a linking verb. Linking verb – A verb that links the subject of the sentence to a word that either describes the subject or renames the subject. Copy the sentences below. Write the subject, the linking verb, and the word that describes or renames the subject. Pg. 63: Jonas was Nineteen. Pg. 64: And today, now that the new Elevens had been advanced this morning, there were two Eleven-nineteens.
Mini-Lesson Linking verbs: Using the foldable we made… Write the subject, the linking verb, and the word that describes or renames the subject. Answers: Pg. 63: Jonas was Nineteen. (subject)(linking verb)(describes subject) Pg. 64: And today, now that the new Elevens had been advanced this morning, there (subject) were (linking verb) two Eleven-nineteens (describes subject).
Work Session- The Giver by Lois Lowry 1.Read Chapter 16, pgs Work on reading check questions while you read. 3. After reading: Work on your picture text walk, where you will draw your feelings.
Lois Lowry’s The Giver Page 78 He rested for a moment, breathing deeply. “I am so weighted with them,” he said. Jonas felt a terrible concern for the man, suddenly. “It’s as if...” The man paused, seeming to search his mind for the right words of description. “It’s like going downhill through deep snow on a sled,” he said, finally. “At first it’s exhilarating; the speed; the sharp, clear air; but then the snow accumulates, builds up on the runners, and you slow, you have to push hard to keep going, and-” After reading the passage, write an example from your own life where you understand how Jonas feels, or draw a visual representation. Student Response (Text example) I felt that same feeling when I had to take a really important test. This reminds me of the time I went on a roller-coaster. When we got to the top, right before we were about to go down, I was so scared, but excited at the same time. By the end, I was such a mess; all I wanted to do was to get off! Picture Example
Your turn to write/draw a response… After reading the passage, write an example from your own life where you understand how Jonas feels, or draw a visual representation. What is your favorite?” Jonas asked The Giver. “You don’t have to give it away yet,” he added quickly. “Just tell me about it, so I can look forward to it, because I’ll have to receive it when your job is done.” The Giver smiled. “Lie down,” he said. “I’m happy to give it to you.” Jonas felt the joy of it as soon as the memory began. Sometimes it took a while for him to get his bearings, to find his place. But this time he fit right in and felt the happiness that pervaded the memory. He was in a room filled with people, and it was warm, with firelight glowing on a hearth. He could see through a window that outside it was night, and snowing. There were colored lights: red and green and yellow, twinkling from a tree which was, oddly, inside the room. On a table, lighted candles stood in a polished golden holder and cast a soft, flickering glow. He could smell things cooking, and he heard soft laughter. A golden-haired dog lay sleeping on the floor.On the floor there were packages wrapped in brightly colored paper and tied with gleaming ribbons. As Jonas watched, a small child began to pick up the packages and pass them around the room: to other children, to adults who were obviously parents, and to an older, quiet couple, man and woman, who sat smiling together on a couch. While Jonas watched, the people began one by one to untie the ribbons on the packages, to un-wrap the bright papers, open the boxes and reveal toys and clothing and books. There were cries of delight. They hugged one another.
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