Study Advisory Meeting June 11, 2008
Study Advisory Meeting June 11, 2008 Project Development Process Planning Study (Recommendations) Environmental Study (Preliminary Design) Funding Process (Metropolitan Planning Organization) Final Design Implementation (Services, Construction) (Full Design) We Are Here 1. Study Area, Goals & Objectives, Evaluation Criteria, Public Participation 2. Existing Conditions and Issues Evaluation 3. Alternatives Development 4. Alternatives Analysis 5. Recommendations 6. Final Report
Study Advisory Meeting June 11, 2008 Study Area I-95 Route 128/I-93 to Rhode Island State Line Route 1 Boston City Line to Rhode Island State Line I-495 Route 1A to Route 140
Study Advisory Meeting June 11, 2008 Goals define the general intentions and purposes for conducting the transportation study, based on the issues that are being addressed. Study goals focus on : Transportation Quality of Life and the Environment Implementation Open and Participatory Process Demonstration and Justification of Needs Objectives describe specific ways that the goals could be accomplished. Study Goals and Objectives
Study Advisory Meeting June 11, 2008 Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria provide ways to measure how different alternatives meet the goals and objectives of the study.
Study Advisory Meeting June 11, 2008 Public Participation Study Advisory Group Public Informational Meetings Outreach to communities and advocacy groups