1 Report of PAC for Particle Physics T. Hallman Presented by P. Spillantini JINR Scientific Council Meeting June 3-4, 2004 Dubna, Russia.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Report of PAC for Particle Physics T. Hallman Presented by P. Spillantini JINR Scientific Council Meeting June 3-4, 2004 Dubna, Russia

2 General comments on the programme of Particle and Relativistic Nuclear Physics Research  The PAC is pleased to note the important achievement of the Veksler-Baldin Laboratory of High Energies in realizing the Nuclotron beam extraction with a spill duration of up to 10 seconds and congratulates the staff of the Laboratory on this success  As a general remark, the PAC emphasizes that JINR has succeeded in on time fulfillment of all its obligations in the international experiments in which it participates. This places the JINR participation in these collaborations on a solid basis. The PAC encourages the JINR physicists in these projects to be deeply involved in the analysis of the collected data and in the development of relevant theoretical models, and recommends that the JINR Directorate supply the resources needed for this activity.

3 Recommendation on the report of the review committee for the scientific programme of the Nuclotron  The PAC takes note of the report presented by V. Burov of the review committee for further development of the scientific programme of the Nuclotron and endorses the conclusions of the committee concerning the core scientific programme of the Nuclotron. The PAC recommends completion of the work on the production of the Nuclotron’s deuteron beam at 6 GeV/n at full intensity in 2004.

4 New projects considered at April Meeting The PAC recommends approval of the new project “The JINR distributed computer infrastructure cluster for running particle physics experiments” (project F-Cluster) for execution with first priority until the end of The PAC takes note of the proposal for the new project “Med-Nuclotron of JINR on the extended use of the JINR facilities for ion oncology therapy”. The PAC notes the scientific and social importance of the studies in the field of cancer treatment and recommends approval of this project for execution with first priority until the end of For better coordination of the efforts, the PAC recommends that the JINR Directorate consider opening a new all-Institute theme integrating this project and the related DLNP’s current activity on the medical, biological and clinical research for cancer treatment. Furthermore, with a view to developing this project into a large-scale facility for cancer therapy, the PAC encourages the JINR Directorate to start discussions with the appropriate health care authorities in Russia and other Member States to exploit possibilities for covering future investment and treatment costs.

5 Recommendations on Current Experiments The PAC takes note of the report on JINR’s participation in the CMS project… The PAC appreciates the aggressive preparation now underway by the RDMS collaboration to play a leading role in the scientific programme of the CMS experiment and strongly encourages this effort to continue.The PAC recommends continuation of JINR’s participation in this important project. The PAC takes note of the report on JINR’s participation in the STAR experiment. The PAC …recommends that the participation in the STAR scientific programme and processing of the experimental data be continued and that this work be provided with the necessary resources. The PAC takes note of the report on the theme “Development of the Nuclotron accelerator complex” for the period from November 2003 to April The PAC approves VBLHE’s proposal to emphasize an energy increase of the Nuclotron nuclear beams up to 6 GeV/n as a task of primary importance in the development of the Nuclotron in 2004 and recommends the JINR Directorate to provide the requested financial support for this work.

6 Recomnendations on Current Experiments The PAC approves the activity of the VBLHE Directorate aimed at increasing the intensity of the Nuclotron’s polarized deuteron beam. The PAC expresses deep concern based on the funding profile shown in this presentation that the level of support for ongoing experiments in the Nuclotron programme is not sufficient to effectively utilize the investment being made in operating and upgrading the Nuclotron facility. It recommends that means to optimize usage of the Nuclotron, including increased resources for ongoing experiments, be considered by the Directorate. The PAC takes note of the report on JINR’s participation in the ALICE project…The PAC looks forward to a presentation of a scientific programme of the JINR ALICE group. The PAC recommends continuation of JINR’s participation in this important project.

7 Recommendation on Current Experiments The PAC takes note of the report on JINR’s participation in the ATLAS project. The PAC is pleased to note the successful work for the ATLAS experiment and the timely fulfillment of JINR’s obligations....The PAC notes that the focus of JINR’s participation in ATLAS is now changing toward playing a leading role in the ATLAS scientific programme, and it encourages continuation and strengthening of this direction. The PAC recommends continuation of JINR’s participation in this important project. The PAC takes note of the reports on JINR’s participation in the CDF and D0 experiments…The material and intellectual contributions of JINR to the preparation of these experiments are significant, and the further participation of JINR in the analysis of the data obtained at these facilities will contribute to continued precision tests of the Standard Model and the search for new physics.The PAC recommends continuation of JINR’s participation in these important experiments. The PAC takes note of the report on JINR’s participation in the COMPASS experiment and the leading role being played by the JINR team. It recommends that the LPP and JINR Directorate allocate the necessary resources to allow the JINR team to participate in a data-taking run in 2004 and data processing at the LPP computer cluster. The PAC recommends continuation of JINR’s participation in this important experiment.