Objective Why micro-algal biodiesel? Process Flow SheetExtraction Biodiesel Economic References Funding Source: First Person Second Contributor Algae Production This section is where the oil is separated from the algae via continuous bed extraction and subsequent evaporation and distillation stages. Algae enters with 3 wt% moisture. Overall Extraction mass balance presented below. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam in diam consectetuer odio blandit elementum. Morbi id ligula ac ligula adipiscing iaculis. Nulla risus lorem, molestie ac, scelerisque quis, gravida eleifend, wisi. Proin sapien ante, faucibus sit amet, mollis eu, molestie a, erat. Donec magna nibh, ultrices facilisis, dignissim at, mollis ut, diam. Nulla facilisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient Phasellus vel orci blandit augue rutrum pretium. Pellentesque laoreet magna non odio. Cras porta eros non turpis. Phasellus eu turpis volutpat diam dictum interdum. Duis fringilla nunc. Etiam a tellus nec lorem consequat eleifend. Quisque eu est. Vestibulum sollicitudin est eget ligula. Integer. 1.Donec nunc leo, porta eu, hendrerit vel, posuere nonummy, metus. Vestibulum congue bibendum ipsum. 2.Sed sed mi. Fusce dapibus diam vitae lorem consequat auctor. This template complements of MakeSigns.com If you opened this file directly from a web browser, you’ll want to save it to your computer before adding your poster information. This template has a page size of 36”x 48”. When uploaded at MakeSigns.com, this template can be used to order posters in the following sizes: 36”x 48”, 42”x 56”, 31.5”x 42”, and 27”x 36”. We recommend that you avoid changing the page size of the template. Please keep in mind, if you do change the page size it will alter the available print sizes listed above. Any changes to the template size should be done before entering your information. If you have any questions about creating a scientific poster, visit MakeSigns.com or us at ©2009 Graphicsland Figure 2. Composition Chart of Chlorella sp. Chlorella Oil content is typically 28 – 32 percent of dry mass Plant Layout Extraction(GPM)(lb/hr) Algae Input Water Input Slurry Input Algae Output Water Output Oil Input Oil Output Oil retained in Algae Steam Input S. Condensate Output Condensate Output Slurry Input Extraction Section Steam Input Algae Output Oil Output Condensate Output Current National Fuel Challenges America has one-third of the world’s automobiles (230 million) and uses twenty-five percent of the world’s oil. The Energy Information Administration projects that reliance on foreign producers for oil will increase 30% through Our transport sector’s greenhouse gas emissions will grow by nearly 40% through Figure 1. U.S. petroleum production capacity and demand One solution to this challenge is biodiesel. It has many benefits, including a reduced environmental footprint, provides energy security, and is economical. Our goal for this project is to design a process that will produce biodiesel that has an energy content equivalent to 10,000 barrels of gasoline per day. One benefit of microalgae is it’s oil yield per land area. Table 1 shows that microalgae smashes the competition when it comes to producing oil per land area needed. There is not even enough farmable land in the U.S. to produce 50% of the transport fuel needs with 3 of the above crops. It is the only source that has the potential to replace fossil fuels in the near future. Microalgae also grows much faster than corn. The Axens’ Esterfip-H process has significant advantages over the traditional process: Higher Yield High Quality Glycerin 98% Pure No soap formation 100% Biodiesel yield Flow rateInletOutletInletOutlet (kg/h)reactor 1 reactor 2 Methanol Glycerin Methyl ester Monoglycerides Diglycerides Oil Total Temperature (K)470 Pressure (Pa)5.50E+06 Table 1. Comparison of different sources of biodiesel