Health and Physical Education BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Health and Physical Education
TEACHERS Mrs. Kristine Cox Ms. Samantha VanDerveer Mrs. Lisa Maroun Mr. Robert Nucci Mr. TJ O’Donnell Ms. Jennifer Hansen Mr. Ron Poll Mr. Jeff Struble
Classes Physical Education Grades: 9-12 Every class will be participating in fitness every block Team sports: Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Lacrosse, Ultimate Frisbee, Softball and Speedball Individual Sports: Badminton, Pickleball and Tennis
Classes Con’t Health 9th Grade: Nutrition, Stress, Healthy Choices, Relationships, Dating Violence, Bullying, Drugs and Alcohol and Signs of Suicide Health 10th Grade: Drivers Education Health 11th Grade: First Aid and CPR Health 12th Grade: Dating Violence, Signs of Suicide, Sexual Health, Nutrition and Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Locker Room Rules and Procedures Get a lock for the class period LOCK UP BELONGINGS Can’t keep clothes in all day only PE period No Cell phones allowed
Clothing Policy Must have a change of clothes from what they wore to school Must change clothes not put sweats over school clothes We go outside till Mid November dress weather appropriate Appropriate attire includes: T-shirts: no v-cut shirts or tank tops Shorts must abide by school dress code length Can wear sweat shirts and sweat pants as well No pockets or belts Sneakers must be able to be tied Jewelry is not allowed to be worn during class
GRADING POLICY MUST PASS Physical Education and Health to GRADUATE (2 separate classes ) and part of GPA Unprepared for class (not changed or lack of participation) will result in a loss of 10 points off final grade Participation/Attitude and effort are worth 80 points Quarterly Assessment is worth 20 points We will be grading the students on skills and they will be in charge of warm-ups for a day
GRADING POLICY ---HEALTH Tests: 20% Quizzes: 10% Class work/activities: 30% Participation: 20% Quarterly: 20%
Miscellaneous Information Medicals: If student is out of PE for 3 days or less then they observe the class, if out longer they will have written work so they receive credit for the time missed Make ups: If a students is unprepared for class they will have a chance to receive ½ of the points back. We will have 6 days of makeup's at the end of the marking period, the students may come and perform the physical activity of the teachers choice
Expectations Come to class on time Come to class prepared and ready to participate Be respectful of others NO BULLYING or TEASING MAKE IT COUNT