Daily Word 2nd Quarter 2015-2016
#35 – Aloof (adj) Definition: detached; apart; indifferent Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:
#36 – Apathy (n) Definition: lack of interest or concern Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:
#37 – Benevolent (adj) Definition: kindly; charitable Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:
#38 – Brash (adj) Definition: prone to act in a hasty manner; imprudent Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:
#39 – Callous (adj) Definition: thick; hardened; lacking pity or mercy Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:
#40 – Confound (v) Definition: to mix up (in your own mind); to confuse someone else Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:
#41 – Delve (v) Definition: to carry on intensive and thorough research for data or information; investigate Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:
#42 – Depleted (adj) Definition: emptied; drained; used up Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:
#43 – Disheveled (adj) Definition: untidy Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:
#44 – Efface (v) Definition: to erase Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:
#45 – Enigma (n) Definition: mystery; puzzle Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:
#46 – Exasperation (n) Definition: irritation; frustration Synonym: Antonym: Example:
#47 – Extraneous (adj) Definition: unnecessary; irrelevant Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#48 – Flagrant (adj) Definition: openly and obviously evil; glaring Synonym: Antonym: Example:
#49 – Fortuitous (adj) Definition: lucky Synonym: Antonym: Example:
#50 – Garrulous (adj) Definition: talkative Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#51 – Hackneyed (adj) Definition: overused; clichéd Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#52 – Haphazard (adj) Definition: without plan or direction Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#53 – Terse (adj) Definition: extremely concise; using only the words needed to make the point Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#54 - Presumptuous – (adj) Definition: too forward or bold; overstepping proper bounds Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#55 – Tirade (n) Definition: Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#56 – Amicable (adj) Definition: friendly; kind Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#57 - Detrimental (adj) Definition: harmful Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#58 - Kindle (v) Definition: to start a fire; ignite; arouse Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#59 - Lament (v) Definition: express sorrow Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#60 - Lofty (adj) Definition: at a great height; elevated; noble Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#61 - Ludicrous (adj) Definition: absurd; ridiculous Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#62 –Mundane (adj) Definition: commonplace; ordinary Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#63 - Meager (adj) Definition: small in size or amount; thin; weak Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#64 - Novice (n) Definition: beginner Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#65 - Nullify (v) Definition: remove or cancel all value or force; negate Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence:
#66 - Obstinate (adj) Definition: stubborn; refusing to be persuaded Synonym: Antonym: Example: Sentence: