+ Cumulative Peep Project Dr. von Harrer and Mr. Diaz * CARTA English III and American History To be presented on the day of your final: June 9 th (period 1) or June 10 th (period 2)
+ This is a cumulative project for CARTA ( it counts for BOTH classes!!!) Cumulative - including or adding together all of the things that came before. For this project you will be able to focus on anything covered from this year in English III or American History. This includes, but is not limited to: World On A Turtles BackPilgrims and Native Americans The CrucibleWestward Expansion Sinners in the Hands of an Angry GodThe Civil War Their Eyes Were Watching GodWorld War I The Great GatsbyWorld War II The Yellow WallpaperThe Cold War The Masque of the Red DeathThe Vietnam War Hiroshima Catcher in the Ryeother literature/historical events!!!
+ What the heck is this project? You will be creating a Peep diorama “What the shenaynay is a diorama?,” you ask… The term "diorama" denotes a partially three- dimensional, replica model of a landscape showing a historical event or scene of some kind for the purpose of education or entertainment.
+ What will my project consist of? A diorama of a selected reading that we have covered in class using marshmallow peeps (a limited supply of peeps will be provided by Mr. Harrer and Mr. Diaz). You will build your diorama in a shoebox or another box of similar size. Boxes will not be provided for you by Harrer or Diaz. Start looking now!!! A brief presentation of your peep diorama explaining the design elements of your diorama, and why you chose your particular subject.
+ How much is this project worth? 100 points in the “final” category of the grade book (so that’s as many points as the Lip Sync Battle Royale). Point Breakdown: Diorama – 80% Presentation - 20%
+ 1 st, 2 nd & 3 rd place winners You will compete against your classmates for three exciting extra credit opportunities. First, second, and third place winners will receive extra credit on their project. 1 st place -100 points 2 nd place – 75 points 3 rd place – 50 points Peeple’s choice winner – voted by your classmates
+ How do I get the extra credit? Grades and first, second, and third place rankings will be decided by Mr. Harrer, Mr. Diaz, and/or a panel of judges. Scores will be based on: Creativity/cleverness of title (puns are ABSOLUTELY encouraged) Creativity and attention to detail of diorama Effort: does it look like you spent an ample amount of time putting this together or does it look like you did it last minute?
+ Excellent resources to get your creative juices flowing: diorama-contest/2015/ diorama-contest/2015/
+ Here are some awesome Peep-xamples of what you could design…
+ Breaking Bad
+ Peepnado – Based on Sharknado
+ Based on Gravity
+ Game of Peeps
+ The Simpeeps
+ Everybody Peeps
+ iPeeps
+ Project Peepway
+ Based on Bridesmaids Movie
+ The Last Peeper
+ Single Peeps
+ Based on Alfred Hitchcock’s Movie The Birds
+ The Peeptles
+ Peep Trek
+ Chik Peepla