P25 Interface 5/19/08 #1 Martin Cooper, Los Alamos Co-spokesperson for the EDM Project for presentation to The nEDM Subsystem Managers Duke University, Durham, NC May 19, 2008 Subsystem Interface Issues
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #2 Scheme for Inter-Subsystem Links Keep the number of logical links between subsystems to a manageable number Do not put in items that require communication, just do the communication Put in physical conflicts – Examples: 3 HeS full system test cannot take place until the CDS full system test is complete and the dual-use cryostat is available The counting house must be inside the building before the cryostat because of mechanical interference The rail system and cryostat support must be present before the cryostat is shipped All inter-subsystem logic links will be controlled by Martin Kim will tell you how to request links you think are necessary
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #3 Issues to Resolve Kim and Martin uncovered a number of issues between subsystems to resolve Martin will explain them now Due to a 5 minute time limit per issue, we can see if the answer is obvious, but if not, they should be settled fairly soon in private, e.g. at the subsystem managers’ teleconferences
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #4 Order of Assembly HeS 1.5 Magnets 1.9 Assembly The current reworked schedule has the magnet subsystem on the critical path and determining the end of the project. Does the project office have the freedom to interchange the order of the detector assembly, e.g. 3 HeS and Magnets, to achieve the earliest finish to the project?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #5 Insulation Volume 1.3 Cryogenics 1.5 CDS Do we need to build two G-10 insulation volumes, one for the cryogenics qualification and one for the CDS full system tests? Do we need two back planes? How are they different? What is included in WBS ?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #6 Vacuum Feedthroughs 1.3 Cryogenics HeS 1.5 Magnets 1.6 CDS 1.7 Electronics Who is responsible for the vacuum feedthroughs for all the wires that go between the inside of the cryostat and the outside electronics?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #7 Cryogenic Services 1.3 Cryogenics 1.8 Infrastructure The old WBS had mechanical, electrical, and plumbing preparations in the cryogenics subsystem, presumably for assembly at NCSU. Should these be moved to the infrastructure subsystem for assembly at ORNL?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #8 Boundary HeS 1.6 CDS Where is the boundary between the 3 HeS and CDS subsystems in regards to plumbing and the V1 actuator?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #9 Purifier 1.3 Crogenics HeS Are we using the internal purifier (0.3 K) or an external McClintock purifier (1.2 K)? The decision depends on the 3 He transport reference design.
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #10 Injection 1.1 R&D HeS What is the difference between the injection test being performed as part of the R&D and the one in the 3 HeS WBS?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #11 Another cryostat HeS Is the cryostat purchased for the full valve test the same as the one listed in the 3 HeS WBS ?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #12 Kerr Mirrors 1.5 Magnets 1.6 CDS 1.8 Infrastructure Can the Kerr HV-monitor mirrors be mounted on the magnet system?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #13 EPICS and DAQ 1.2 Guides 1.3 Cryogenics HeS 1.5 Magnets 1.6 CDS 1.7 Electronics When are the EPICS slow control systems needed for each subsystem? How complete do they need to be? Do they include the readout modules? How much DAQ is expected to come with the EPICS systems?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #14 Storage Tanks 1.3 Cryogenics 1.8 Assembly Are the large gas storage tanks outside the building part of the cryogenics or infrastructure subsystems?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #15 Vibration Isolation 1.3 Cryogenics 1.6 CDS 1.8 Infrastructure Is the vibration isolation of the pumps to protect the SQUIDS the responsibility of the cryogenics or the infrastructure subsystem?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #16 Insert Scaffolding 1.8 Infrasturcture 1.9 Assembly WBS is labeled “assemble insert scaffolding.” Is this an infrastructure or assembly subsystem responsibility? How is it different from the insertion fixture being designed for general insertion and removal of the CDS?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #17 Last Meters of Guide 1.2 Guides 1.9 Assembly Can CD-4 be achieved for the beam line without installing the last several meters of guide? Can the last several meters be installed without further beam tests but with the expectation of good performance?
P25 Interface 5/19/08 #18 Interconnect Plumbing HeS 1.6 CDS What does the CDS need to mock up the 3 HeS during its full system test? What does the 3 HeS use to mock up the CDS during its full system test?