Recycling Tyres Don’t forget to recycle!!!
What you can make out of recycled tyres Tyre swings Door Mats Chairs Tiles Tile Glue Mixing with asphalt Door Mats Sports surfaces Carpet underlay Noise and vibration insulation Playgrounds and matting
Should we recycle tyres ?Should we chuck out tyres? 110 Surveys
More surveys What should we use recycled tyres to make? Tyre SwingsDoor MatsChairsTilesTile Glue Mixing with Asphalt Sports Surfaces Carpet Underlay InsulationPlayground
Listen to Matthew and Harry We have worked for hours trying to find all this information!!!! We are very Intelligent people We buy recycled things as well as encourage people to buy recycled things. See You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!