Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Building the Future By Investing Early
Governor Doyle’s Commitment to Wisconsin’s Children Expansion of four-year-old kindergarten Providing more school breakfast programs Created the Wisconsin Covenant Launched BadgerCare Plus Created Department of Children and Families Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
The Road to Improving Child Care Wisconsin Department of Children and Families SafetyFraud Background checks Dangerous programs Links to drug trade Assess quality indicators Provide support to child care programs Reward quality programs Better assist families find child care Millions of dollars of fraud Fictional jobs Fictional child care
What is “high” quality? Research suggests: Teachers with four-year college degrees Teachers well-compensated, have ongoing training Smaller teacher-child ratios For three- and four-year-olds, use of a curriculum Interventions with families such as home visits Monitoring and site visits Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Why is Quality Important? Higher school readiness Improved cognitive ability and social skills Lower use of special education classes Lower rates of grade retention Higher labor force participation Higher high school graduation rates Lower use of welfare Higher wages earned --> higher tax contributions Lower juvenile delinquency and lifetime participation in crime Lower rates of teen pregnancy and out-of-wedlock births Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Development of YoungStar Proposal is grounded in 2005 Quality Cares for Quality Kids proposal Reflects input from 15+ listening sessions held statewide since July 1, 2008 Several changes reflective of feedback: –Micro-grants –Training and Technical Assistance Resources –Quality link to reimbursement rates –Incorporation of health and wellness points Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Elements of Strong QRIS Systems Clear Goals and Expectations Incentives for meeting standards, consequences for not meeting standards Monitoring of performance Evaluation of program performance Encouraging improved performance through quality improvement support, technical assistance and financial incentives. Rand Corporation, 2009 Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
YoungStar will… Support child care providers in WI Help parents make child care choices Align Shares payments with quality Prevent fraud Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Wisconsin Is Building on Strength Regulation: Licensing & Certification Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Courses & Credentials The Registry Child Care Information Center T.E.A.C.H. Scholarships REWARD Stipends Strengthening Families Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations DHS Physical Activity Initiative Supporting Families Together Association Child Care Food Program Training & Education Quality Improvement Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
0-10 Points Points Points Points Regulated and in regulatory compliance Regulated but not in compliance Regulated programs Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Support Child Care Providers with… Training Technical Assistance Grants Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Regional Service Delivery DCF will select six regional entities to administer YoungStar Entities will be expected to build partnerships and connections to support providers and parents Emphasis will be placed on entities that can leverage additional resources and have strong partnerships in place to deliver services Regional entities will be responsible for: –Child care assessments –Administration of quality microgrants –Training and technical assistance –Assisting parents find child care –Working with DCF and other key partners for YoungStar Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Service Delivery Areas Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Child Care Quality Indicators Educational Qualifications Learning Environment and Curriculum Health and Well Being of Children Professional Business Practices Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Quality Indicator Point Totals Possible Points Category for Earning PointsFamilyGroup Education Qualifications - Family Provider0-14N/A Education - Group TeachersN/A0-9 Education of Group DirectorN/A0-6 Learning Environment and Curriculum Professional Practices (business practices, staff benefits, parent involvement 0-7 Health and Wellness0-5 Total0-40 points Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Educational Qualifications Teacher or provider education is one of the strongest predictors of providing high quality early care and education. Center director education is also linked to quality. The Group and Family Child Care models provide opportunity for recognition of education levels, credit based work beyond high school, and credentials. Group Center director’s education is also an opportunity to acquire points. Wisconsin will work with The Registry to verify educational credentials. Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Learning Environment and Curriculum Quality Improvement Plan Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Improving Child Outcomes Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Business and Professional Practices Child Care Business Practices Practices to support teaching staff and provider Benefits for Program Staff Involving Parents in Program Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Child Health and Well-Being Nutrition Physical Activity Strengthening Families and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Supporting inclusion of all children Promoting social and emotional health Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Participating in YoungStar Programs who receive Wisconsin Shares will be required to participate YoungStar contract with program will be required to participate All programs must agree to timely and accurate reporting of Wisconsin Shares to participate For programs not in Wisconsin Shares, participation is voluntary Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Participating in YoungStar How do programs accumulate points? What are options for gradually increasing points? Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Example 1: Emily’s Family Child Care The provider has the Infant- Toddler Credential Program has signed YoungStar contract and has established timely and accurate reporting of Wisconsin Shares – required for participation (no points earned) She participates in the Food Program CategoryPoints Earned Provider qualifications 3 Health and Wellness1 Total4 Stars Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
How program could move to 3 Star For Emily’s program to move to a 3 star program from original 4 points, she could: Develop a quality improvement program* – self assessed. (1 pt) Incorporate Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards into programming (1 point) Demonstrate that she’s received WMELS training (1 point) Demonstrate physical activity standards in program (1 point) Document yearly budget planning and program financial assessment (1 point)* Document strong parental involvement (2 points) *Required for 3 Star Three Stars EducationInfant Toddler Credential* Learning Environmen t Quality Improvement Plan in place (self assessment) – adds 1 point* Curriculum aligned with WMELS – adds 1 point Full WMELS training received – adds 1 point Health and Wellness Food Program Demonstrate that program meets physical, health and wellness standards (+1 points) Business and Professiona l Practices Budget planning - adds 1 point* Parent involvement – demonstrate 3 or more practices - adds 2 points Total Points7 new points added to original 4 = 11 points for level 3 Star Level Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
How program could move to 4 Star For Emily’s program to move to a 4 star program starting from 11 points, she could add to her portfolio: Administrator Credential – adds 6 points) Use a research-based instrument for quality improvement plan (1 point) Have an independent entity verify quality improvement plan (2 points) Score an average of 5 on Family Child Care Environmental Rating Scale with no subscale less than 3. (3 points) Document parent handbook spelling out policies for vacation, holidays and sick leave for program staff and related family attendance policies. (1 point) *Required for 4 Star Four Stars EducationReceive Administrator’s Credential* – adds 6 points Learning Environmen t Quality Improvement Plan using research based tool – adds 1 point Quality Improvement Plan verified by outside entity – adds 1 point FCCERS Assessment Score – adds 3 points* Health and Wellness Receives Strengthening Families training – adds 1 point Business and Professiona l Practices Family handbook – adds 1 point* Total Points13 plus original 11 = 24 points Star Level Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Example 2: 3 Star Licensed Group Center – Rainbow Preschool Education 12 teachers: 6 teachers have 6 credits and 6 teachers have AA degrees Director has a related Associate Degree and an Administrator’s credential Learning Environment Quality Improvement Plan has been developed.* Curriculum is aligned with WMELS Business and Professional Practices Ongoing yearly budget review* Demonstrates 3 of or more best practice for professional development (2 points) Health and Wellness Participates in CAFCP (1point) * Required for 3 Star CategoryPoints Earned Teacher qualifications Director Qualifications 6464 Learning environment and curriculum: WMELS Quality Improvement Plan 1111 Business and Professional practices 2 Health and Wellness1 Total15 Stars Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Moving to 4 Star The chart on the left shows two different paths for accumulating points to move the center from a 3 to a 4 Star tar program. Required criteria for 4 Star include: ECERS Score Written copy of employment policies and procedures Lead Teachers with infant/toddler or inclusion credentials for 50% of classrooms * Required for 4 Star Path 1 – starting with 15 points Path 2 – starting with 15 points EducationDirector with Bachelor’s Degree – adds 2 6 teachers with credits receive credential – adds 1 Director with Bachelor’s Degree – adds 2 6 teachers with credits receive credentials – adds 1 Learning Environment ECERS score of 5 with no subscale less than 3 – adds 3* Program has identified ways to improve child outcomes – adds 1 ECERS – adds 3* Quality Improvement Plan verified uses research-backed tool – adds 1 Professional Practices Employment policies and procedures manual – adds 1* Employment Policies Manual – adds 1* Documents strong parental involvement policies - adds 1 Health and Wellness Strengthening Families and protective factors training adds 1 Inclusion training or equivalent –adds 1 Additional Points Adds 9 points bringing total to 24 Adds 10 points bringing total to 25 points Stars Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
How will parents get information? Individual child care provider ratings will be posted on-line Information on quality child care will be provided by regional entities and Child Care Resource and Referral agencies in their community Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
Additional Resources More detailed information is available on-line – Updates will be ongoing to website as implementation occurs Questions can be director to the Wisconsin Child Care Information Center – or Wisconsin Department of Children and Families