Aquatic environment food chain By: McKenna, Parker, and Juan Lets learn about my food chain peps
A food chain is what every animal does…like a shark eats a medium fish who eats a small fish who eats a very small fish who eats a very very small fish…. Then all over again
Food chains ….. • Producer (Autotroph) – an organism that makes its own food and stores energy • Example: plants • Consumer (Heterotroph) – an organism that obtain s food and energy by eating other organisms • Types • Types of Consumers: 1. Herbivores – organisms that eat only plants • Example: cattle 2. Carnivores – organisms that eat only animals
So do you think you learned enough ….no okay
After the food chain is over it starts up again… I’m so embarrassed I thought its over Sorry guys its not Me too 6
Since the food chain never ends it’s so sad for the animals that die But that’s nature
Most shark have 15 rows of teeth while baby shark’s have 5 and great whites have 50.animals all have different ways to per