C ONSUMERS : H ERBIVORES, C ARNIVORES AND O MNIVORES Mrs. McVey Guilmette Middle School 5 th Grade Science Teacher
C ONTENT O BJECTIVE In this lesson students will learn about the three types of consumers (herbivore, carnivore and omnivore). Students will be able to identify what each type of consumer eats.
R EVIEW : W HAT IS A CONSUMER ? Consume means “to eat” Consumers in the food chain consume (eat) plants or other organisms to get their energy for food.
H ERBIVORE Herb is the Latin word for plant An herbivore is a plant eater
H ERBIVORE : C ATERPILLAR Caterpillar’s eat plants. Plant eaters are herbivores.
H ERBIVORE : Z EBRA Zebra’s eat plants, which includes grass. Zebra’s are herbivores.
C ARNIVORE Carne Latin word for eating meat carnivore A is a meat eater A carnivore eats other organisms.
C ARNIVORE : S NAKE A snake eats mice and other small animals. Animals are organisms. Snakes are carnivores.
C ARNIVORE : O WL Owls eat snakes and small rodents. Snakes and rodents are organisms. An owl is a carnivore.
C ARNIVORE : S PIDER A spider eats insects and small animals. Insects are organisms. A spider is a carnivore.
O MNIVORE Omni is Latin for all An ominivore is “all” eating Eats both plants and organisms.
O MNIVORE : G RIZZLY B EAR Grizzly bears eat berries. Grizzly bears eat fish and other organisms (animals). PlantsOrganisms
I MAGE R EFERENCES hamster.jpg mg/kideating2.jpg jpg eating.jpg 5e9c7779ad5ff9ef968086a3797b08cc9c8153b515bad41ba0b2/z ebra-eating-grass.jpg ating_cicada.jpg DSC jpg pg 19d10fb34e41c76e9af6952ae1ed64079_r.gif