NATIONAL IDEOLOGIES Ideology: A system of beliefs/ideas that involve the basic ideas, goals, and characteristics of a nation state.
These give insight into a nation ’ s values, its “ personality ”, and the relationship between the ruler(s) and the ruled. If one of the following labels--Democracy, Authoritarianism, and Totalitarianism--is applied correctly to a nation state, it can generally provide some clear insights into the nature of that state and enable one to reasonably predict its behavior in a given situation.
Why a nation state? Mankind ’ s instinct to organize, to seek stability, order, and security so he can pursue “ the good life ” without interference from others. And, to have government take on those things he can ’ t do alone.
Remember--that in both Anarchy and Fascism, polar opposites on the political spectrum, there is no freedom at all.
Remembering the spectrum… If the prevailing perception of a nation ’ s founders is that man is inherently “ good ”, then the government will be more democratic. If the perception is that man is inherently “ bad ”, then the government will be less democratic.
A system in which the people, directly or indirectly, participate in all the decisions that affect their political, social, and economic lives. Also, from a historical perspective, a new idea. Freedom House org/template.cfm?page=36 3&year= org/template.cfm?page=36 3&year=2011
Characteristics: Maintains the belief that man is good. The State serves the individual. Stresses Cooperation and Compromise among competing power groups.
No need for excessive force to rule people. Majority Rules/Protection for Minority views. Government of, by, and for the People. Humans are Free to pursue the “ good life ”. Change is permanent--Dynamic societies. Multi-Party System (Variety and Flexibility)
Demands high degree of citizen involvement and responsibility. Belief in Human Rights, Justice, Brotherhood, and Equal Opportunity for all citizens.
A Philosophy of the Left.
Democracies Today
GENERAL System in which the people have little or no say in their political lives but have some freedoms in their economic and social lives.
Prior to the democratic movements of the last decade, the most numerous type of government found in the world. A philosophy of the “ right ”. Tend to be conservative. Often have a ruling elite-- military or propertied.
CHARACTERISTICS Maintains belief that man is bad. Usually non-democratic--people don ’ t choose rulers. (Dictatorships/Kings/Juntas) Strong police/security force.
Usually has one political party only. Usually has limited liberties. The individual serves the state. Change is very slow-- rural nations.
Government by the elite--oligarchy, monarchy, and aristocracy. Found sometimes in high poverty nations with high illiteracy rates. Minorities are often persecuted.
KIRKPATRICK DOCTRINE United States could cooperate with authoritarian nations with bad human rights because they were more capable of reform and less dangerous than totalitarian ones. Of course, those right- wing anti-communist nations were our friends and pro-Soviet regimes were the “ bad ” totalitarian ones.
REAGAN WINS COLD WAR Was it support of Contras, mujahadeen, Marcos, et al or did we simply outspend (Star Wars)?
CRITICISM Maybe developmental authoritarianism doesn ’ t work at all. India has had impressive growth since the 1990 ’ s began. They have achieved this with a democratic government.
Coined by Mussolini to describe Fascist Italy. System in which the people have no say in any part of their lives. Complete control by the government (the State) of the people ’ s Political, Social, and Economic lives.
GENERAL Most people in human history lived under this system. Philosophy of the Far Right. Found in nations run by the military or propertied elite. Beyond a police state/dictatorship.
CHARACTERISTICS Belief that man is bad. Strong security forces to preserve order. Individual serves the state at all times-- pawn of the State. State sacrifice is expected.
State is supreme--All Knowing--always correct. One political party--no opposition allowed. Rule by the elite who know what is best. Conformity is the rule. Society is regimented.
Khmer Rouge
Expects and demands total obedience to the state. No dissent. Change is opposed and very slow, if any. Inequality is built into system. Government is centralized and bureaucratic. Use of propaganda to brainwash people.
CONTEMPORARY STATES? George Bush ’ s “ Axis of Evil ”