Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 Human Resources Administration & Finance
Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy Planning for the 3 month review We will invite departments that have submitted job descriptions and/or had positions posted for the review. Meeting will be Tuesday, April 8 th at 11am
Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy Comments so far: ▸Need an index for the policy ▸It takes 3 months for a new hire—too long ▸Clarify who completes the I-9 form ▸Remove requisition # from recruitment form ▸Search Committee on the recruitment form is delaying the position posting.
Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy ▸Need more info on diversity issues. Don’t have access to applicants’ diversity, so confused when told not enough diversity in pool. ▸How do you handle external search firms ▸Clarify that search committee only has to interview the first round of candidates, future rounds can be done by hiring manager and others the hiring manager requests.
Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy ▸Non-unit classified positions do not require a search committee ▸Clarify CSU and PSU internal candidate process ▸The Failed Search Form is on the ODI website ▸Overlap in HR and ODI roles ▸Vacancy Review Committee role is unclear
Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy ▸Would be helpful to have sample reference check questions ▸What should be in the recruitment file? ▸Why is office space request on the recruitment form? Are you comments missing?
Presentation Title | May 4, 2009 Feedback on Dept. Hiring Policy Make sure we have your Questions, concerns, ideas, advice. Send to