Personal Development Planner Sharon Perera Progression and Development Officer Telephone: Access and Partnerships Unit University of Greenwich E: T:
Personal Development Planner Rationale The Macro Context Chimes with government agenda to counter rising youth unemployment and the reduction of NEETS Offers a response to employer demand for school leavers to have relevant employability skills Gives young people a competitive edge when they start looking for work Promotes Social Mobility
Personal Development Planner Rationale The Micro Context Introduction of education destination measures (2012) and employment measures (2013) Supports the employability focus of Study Programmes for year olds Provides students with a plan for the future, helps manage their expectations Supports student retention at university
Personal Development Planner Overview of the PDP A “strategic plan” – Where am I at? Where do I want to be? How do I get there? Uses the analogy of a journey Section One: Personality and Skills Audit Section Two: Jobs and Careers Section Three: Routes to ideal jobs and careers
Personal Development Planner How are schools using this course? As pilots in small groups –plans underway to use PDP across year groups Year 8, Year 9, GCSE and Year 12 Entire programme – over six weeks Individual activities– citizenship, PSHE and tutorial groups Medway Youth Trust – offer to all schools in Medway Kent County Council – KentChoices4U
Personal Development Planner Future Plans and Formats Plans to include internship/work experience and CV building in the next version 1.“Getting an internship/work-experience” 2.“Making the most of your internship/work- experience” 3.“Building a CV using experiences and skills from internships/work-experience”
Personal Development Planner Future Plans and Formats Free PDP App shortly to be released which supports the PDP Plans to develop an electronic format for online use
Personal Development Planner The PDP Package Students Workbook£2.50 Teachers Resource Book£6.00 Student Ambassadors£12.50 per hour per student PDP Stickersno charge PDP Appfree to download Induction and supportno charge Contact for enquiries or to place an
Personal Development Planner The PDP has been piloted in the following schools Bexleyheath Academy - Sixth Form The Robert Napier School – Year 8 Erith School – Year 10 Bromley College - GCSE Leyton Sixth Form College – Sixth Form Contact to find out about theses
Personal Development Planner We would greatly appreciate your feedback on the following: 1.How relevant is the PDP to your students needs? 2.How will you use the resources in the PDP and which age-groups will you work with? 3.How does the PDP link to other careers education resources you are using? 4.What do you think is missing from the PDP? 5.Feedback on the Teachers Resource Book Please with your