Practice Practical IV Sheep Brains and Eyes, Human Brain Models, Spinal Cord xs Model, Ear Model and Nervous System Histology
Identify human brain part (Q 1-5)
Identify indicated sheep brain part (Q 6-7) 6 7
Identify spaces on sheep brain (Q 8-10)
Identify indicated (orange) brain part (Q 11) Image from APR
Identify indicated brain parts (Q 12-13) 12 13
Identify indicated areas/structures (Q 14-15) 15-Name space 14-Name space
Identify indicated structures (Q 16-18)
Identify indicated structures (Q 19-20)
Identify indicated orange structure (Q 21)
Identify indicated structures (Q 22-24) What are #’s 22 & 23 collectively called? 22 23
Identify indicated structure (Q 25) 25
Identify indicated areas (Q 26-27) 26 27
Identify indicated structures/areas (Q 28-29) 29-Identify depression 28-Identify elevated area
Identify indicated layer (Q 30) 35 34
Identify indicated structures (Q 31-33)
Identify indicated structures (Q 34-35) 35 34
Identify indicated structures (Q 36-39)
Identify indicated lobe (Q 40-41) 41 40
Identify indicated lobe (Q 43) and ridges (Q44-45)
Identify indicated spaces (Q 45-47)
Identify brain parts (Q48-49) 48 49
Identify groove (Q50) and lobe (Q51) 60 61
Identify indicated structure (Q62) 62
Identify indicated structures (Q53-55)
Identify indicated structures (Q56-59) Identify
Identify indicated structures (Q60- 61) 61 60
Identify indicated structure (Q62) 62
Identify indicated structures (Q63-66)
Identify spaces (Q67-68) and structures (Q69-70)
Identify structures or areas (Q71-74)
Identify indicated layers (Q75-77) and brain part (Q78)
Identify brain part (Q79) and cell types (Q80) 80
Identify opening (Q81) and structures (Q82-84)
Identify meninx (Q85-87)
Identify space (Q88-90)
Identify eye structures (Q91-93)
Identify opening (Q94) and dark ridged area (Q95) 94 95
Identify dark layer (Q96) 96
Identify yellow layer (Q97) 97
Identify white area (Q98) 98
Identify structure (Q99) 99
Identify this space (Q100) 100