The Presidency of the United States
The Constitution of the United States notes specific qualifications for individuals wishing to become President of the United States: 35 years of age or older Natural born US citizen Resident of the United States for 14 years
How does the Electoral College work? o Each state is allocated a number of Electors equal to its U.S. Senators plus the number of its U.S. Representatives (which may change each decade according to the population of the state) o There are 538 electoral votes in a presidential election (including 3 from Washington, D.C.). A candidate must receive 270 electoral votes to win the election. o Most states are “winner take all” states. This means the candidate winning the popular vote of that state receives all of its electoral votes.
Electoral Map
The White House The White House, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, has been the home of every US President since John Adams was the first President to reside in what was then known as the Presidential Mansion. It survived a fire at the hands of the British in 1814 and another fire in the West Wing during Herbert Hoover’s term in office. The White House was completely renovated during President Truman’s tenure in office. The White House is the only private residence of a head of state that is open to the public. Visit the White House
The Zero Year Curse 1840 – William Henry Harrison 1860 – Abraham Lincoln 1880 – James Garfield 1900 – William McKinley
1920 – Warren G. Harding 1940 – Franklin Roosevelt 1960 – John Kennedy Ronald Reagan
1) Vice President of the United States 2) Speaker of the House 3) President Pro Tempore of the Senate 4) Secretary of State 5) Secretary of the Treasury 6) Secretary of Defense 7) Attorney General 8) Secretary of the Interior 9) Secretary of Agriculture 10) Secretary of Commerce 11) Secretary of Labor 12) Secretary of Health and Human Services 13) Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 14) Secretary of Transportation 15) Secretary of Energy 16) Secretary of Education 17) Secretary of Veterans Affairs 18) Secretary of Homeland Security What is the order of succession following the death of a President?
Money, Money, Money!!! The President receives a yearly salary of $400,000 $50,000 expense account for official duties $40,000 travel and entertainment expenses Furnished home and country retreat Counselors, assistants, secretaries and servants Secret Service detail Limousine, Yacht, and Private Plane Lifetime pension of $191,300 per year and up to $150,000 per year (for 1 st 30 months – then $96,000)for office help
Presidential Trivia
The End
Which President served the shortest term in United States History?
Which president served the longest term in United States History?
Which president and his wife were the first to occupy the White House?
Who were the only two U.S. Presidents to ever be impeached?
Who was the first U.S. President to be assassinated?