MONDAY, JANUARY 27 A 1. amended – v: changed, revised 2. pervasive – adj: widespread 3. prohibited – v: outlawed; forbidden 4. interracial – adj: between people of different races 5. segregation – v: practice of keeping different races or groups of people apart 6. demonstrations – n: public meetings or parades in which people show how they feel about an issue
MONDAY, JANUARY 27 B 7. strove – v: tried hard 8. sit-ins – n: protests in which people sit down in a place and refuse to leave 9. boycotts – n: protests in which people refuse to buy someone’s merchandise or use someone’s services 10. banned – v: made illegal; forbidden 11. picketing – n: marching or standing outside a business, or other place and carrying signs to show opposition to a policy or practice 12. confrontations – n: acts of opposing or standing fact to face against someone or something
TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 A Study the vocabulary words. Think of a way that you could put the words in categories. Group the words and be ready to defend the way you grouped them.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 B Name three things that can be amended. Name three things that can be pervasive. Name three things that are prohibited at school.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 Name three things that are banned at the airport. 1. 2. 3.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29 TH Name three topics that people have held a demonstration over. 1. 2. 3.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 A Write a synonym for each of the following words: 1. Strove: 2. Picketing: 3. Confrontation:
THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 B Write a sentence which includes both forms of the following words. Demonstrate, demonstrations Segregate. Segregation Pervade, pervasive
FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 A Give a partner a vocabulary quiz. Call out the definition and have them write the word that goes with the definition. Then switch.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 B Spend ten minutes studying your vocabulary words. Then prepare your paper for the weekly quiz.