Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Learning Target: I can identify a goal for the coming semester and compile ways to reach that goal. Today’s Activities: Semester reflections EMS intro: o o Draw Electromagnetic Spectrum
Semester 2 Expectations: ●Binder/Notebook/Folder/etc. You must have some way to keep organized. There will not be extensive notebook checks, but there will be checks for one or two things at a time. ○First fives will be taken up weekly (Friday). They need to be written on a single sheet of paper. ●Quizzes will be open Binder/Notebook/Folder/etc. most of the time, so keep up with your notes! Tests most the time are made up of quiz questions. ●Grades will be made up of: ○Quizzes ○Tests ○Lab Reports ○Weekly First Fives ○Small points for small assignments
Thursday, January 8, 2015 First Five: What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum? Learning Target: I can describe and rank various forms of electromagnetic radiation including the benefits (uses) and hazards of various forms of electromagnetic radiation Today’s Activities: Draw EMS Tour of the EMS video and questions o lVl-8 lVl-8
Friday, January 9, 2015 First Five: What parts of the EMS can we see with our naked eyes? Learning Target: I can identify several different instruments astronomers use to study the universe and what the instruments tell us Today’s Activities: Finish EMS video and questions EMS jigsaw