Evaluating Multimedia Enhanced Teaching at the Department of Informatics, TEI of Athens C. Skourlas, P. Belsis, E. Galiotou, Department of Informatics, TEI of Athens
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting2 Multimedia Enhanced Teaching: A challenge in modern academic education schemes Need for improvement of traditional teaching methods “Poor” educational content Teacher availability Draw the interest of the student
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting3 The Constructivist view The learner at the “center” Principles: — Provide experience and encourage self- awareness of the knowledge construction process. —Provide multiple perspectives, multiple modes of representation, realistic context
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting4 Identifying the Learner Age First Enrollment date Semester Prerequisite modules and Examination marks Class Other degrees and / or training Experience
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting5 Methodological Framework Feasibility study Planning Requirement analysis Preliminary Design Prototyping Detailed Design Production Evaluation and Feedback Quality control Documentation
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting6 A complex COntent–INstruction, TUtor– LEarner Centered Approach (Requirement Analysis) Tutor and Learner centered tasks Understanding the learner Goals of the title production Detailed learning objectives Content and Instruction centered tasks Content Description Outline of topics and subtopics Design and sequencing content of the product
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting7 Instructional strategy Co-op Learning Demonstration Description Discovery Problem Solving Simulation Evaluation
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting8 Data Bases and Applications
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting9 Information Retrieval and Special Issues in Data Bases
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting10 Parallel Algorithms
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting11 Internet Programming
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting12 Evaluation With respect to the general teaching process (Data Bases Ι and Data Bases ΙΙ : project assignments) Questionnaire: Part of the Multimedia Title Results of the evaluation process for the Title “Data Bases and Applications”
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting13 Questionnaires
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting14 Excellent 9 Very good 19 Good 33 Fair 6 Poor 1 Total68
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting15 Excellent 10 Very Good 21 Good 21 Fair 14 Poor 2 Total68
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting16
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting17 Excellent 11 Very Good 23 Good 19 Fair 14 Poor 1 Total 68
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting18 Strongly Agree 7 Agree 23 Neutral 29 Disagree 7 Strongly Disagree 2 Total 68
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting19 Very Satisfied 7 Satisfied 19 Neutral 33 Dissatisfied 7 Very Dissatisfied 2 Total 68
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting20
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting21 Strongly Agree 13 Agree 40 Neutral 12 Disagree 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Total 68
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting22 Strongly Agree 10 Agree 38 Neutral 11 Disagree 4 Strongly Disagree 5 Total 68
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting23 Yes 40 No 19 No answer 9 Total 68
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting24
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting25
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting26
21/6/2006Tempus Meeting27 Conclusions