Cold War Thaws: Nixon’s Foreign Policy How does Nixon improve relations with the Communist World?
Kissinger’s Realpolitik Sec’y of State Henry Kissinger’s favors realpolitik (political realism) US should base foreign policy on power not ideals Publicly ignore weaker countries, recognize and negotiate w/major powers 1971: Nixon visits People’s Republic China Nixon formally recognizes PRC as legitimate govt of China, will support UN resolution giving PRC UN seat
Détente with Soviets Three months after visiting China, Nixon travels to Moscow to meet with the Soviets Nixon & Soviet leader Brezhnev agreed on a new treaty called SALT I, which reduce nuclear weapons in each country Nixon favors détente, lessening of tensions with communist world
Dealing with the Third World Chile 1972: CIA aids the Chilean army in the overthrow of Socialist President Salvador Allende During the coup, Allende is killed New leader August Pinochet & the army round up alleged communist supporters and hold or execute them in the National Stadium Middle East Kissinger encourages Nixon to support dictators in Iran & Pakistan US backs Pakistan in its war with Bangladesh Oil Embargo US supports Israel during Yom Kippur War of 1973 Arab OPEC nation cut off oil supply to US, causing oil prices to triple Kissinger wanted to use the CIA to contain communism
US Involvement in Chile During the CIA sponsored coup, the Chilean army killed over 3,000 suspected communist sympathizers US Government officials denied any connection to the coup An American named Charlie Horman may have known about the CIA’s involvement. A few days later he is missing Clip Questions: 1. What does the man in Viña talk to Charlie about? Does this make it more or less likely to believe the US was involved? 2. How do US embassy officials react when Ed Horman has “political” questions? 3. What further evidence in Charlie’s diary begins to convince his father that the US was involved in the military coup? 4. What does Mr. Horman think happened to his son & why? What does the embassy say their job is in Chile?