What’s the Weather Like? Created for a Life Skills Class Grades 2-4 Based on 1 st Grade Standards
Community Builder Divide into 2 groups with a teacher/assistant with each group On chart paper, brainstorm words that describe weather with adult writing the words on the chart Bring groups together and compare list weather words
Finding weather information Identify resources that will give weather information Newspaper Local TV news The Weather Channel Ask students how they find out about the weather at home Ask students how they find out about the weather at home
We can…. collect daily weather information through observations use the newspaper to locate weather conditions and predictions chart the weather conditions for one month predict what conditions might occur
Draw 4 kinds of weather
Observing the weather make weather station weather station station –Rain gauge –Weather vane –Compass –Weather journal
Weather Journal date time temperature precipitation Wind direction
Extreme Weather Thunderstorms Tornadoes Hurricanes &location=local
Graphing Weather sunnycloudyrain snow
Graphing temperature Divide into 2 groups. Graph temperature using a line graph format with assistance from teacher/assistant.
Forecasting Using the information from the maps you have, forecast where the clouds will be in three days. Draw them in their new positions on the map of the United States. Three days from the time you complete this activity watch the news. Look to see where the clouds actually are to check your answer.
Weather vocabulary word sort Activity 1 Activity 1 Make a set of cards with weather words; match words by opposites (hot/cold, dry/wet, etc.) Activity 2 Activity 2 Mix in cards with familiar words (colors, number words, etc). Sort cards into 2 categories: weather and other