ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS TEMPERATURE ATMOSPHERIC PREASSURE PRECIPITATION WIND Amount of heat in the atmosphere Instrument to measure: Thermometer Movement of air in the atmosphere. Instruments to measure: Wind speed: Anemometer Wind direction: Weather vane Weight of air in the atmosphere. Instrument to measuer: Barometer Water that falls from the sky Rain Hail Snow Instrument to measure: Rain Gauge Pluviometer
CLIMATE FACTORS LATITUDE DISTANCE FROM WATER ALTITUDE Near the Equator -- Warm temperatures Near the Poles -- Cold temperatures Higher altitudes: Colder temperatures Wetter climates Water takes longer to heat up and cool down Coastal areas: cool summers, mild winters Inland areas: hot summers, colder winters ALTITUDE DISTANCE FROM WATER
Mild temperatures all year long. Lots of precipitation Cold winters, mild summers. Lots of precipitation, often snow. Very cold winters, very hot summers. Not much precipitation Hot summers and mild winters. Not much precipittion, sometimes torrential rains High temperaures all year long. Not much precipitation