Images & Video
Why Use Images & Video “A picture says a thousand words” Visually engaging Can be easy to understand Complements the written content
Choosing an Image... Images should only be used if relevant to the material Images should be clear, and of a high quality You should own the image, or have permission to use the image There must be enough space in the page for your image
Creating your own images... Creating your own image means you can have exactly what you want! Take a photo Draw something – PowerPoint can be very versatile and easy to use – Great for Diagrams
Finding an image... If you can’t create the image you want... Clipart Image Libraries Internet – Copyright free – Permission to use Clipart Wikimedia Commons Flickr Images.MD Medphoto iStockPhoto and... Google
Video Can recreate a scenario Engaging A resource in its own right! Must be carefully planned Takes a lot of time
Summary Give it a go! Make sure it adds some value to the slide Keep the file-size small