Hi kids! Welcome to our 2° Activity. DIRECTIONS: After you had read all slides, follow the link at the end of this presentation. GOOD LUCK! Miss Isa
You’ll enter this page:
Click on start
You’ll see a subtraction to solve; write the answer in the blank. Example: 14 – 5 = 9
When you have done it, click enter and a new subtraction will appear. Practice a lot so you can go faster.
The blue bar on the right side, it’s the time indicator. You have 60 seconds to solve 20 subtractions.
When you had run out of time, this will appear; click on the hand and try again.
The more you practice, the best you’ll get. When you had finished, you’ll have this:
Here is a format to print or to reproduce. Practice as much as you want. I’ll need you to record some of your results in this format. Ask your Mom to sign it and bring it to school on February the 2nd. SUBTRACTION PRACTICE Name: DATE RESULTS
Try to get a 100%; it’ll be great!
Here’s the link you should follow. sh/math_magician_games.shtml Good luck! Miss Isa