Room 214 World History Cook/Crayne
Day #1- Reminders Today’s Date is on the power point in front. yellow makeup box in the back of the room.On the day you return to school from an absence, pick up your makeup work from the yellow makeup box in the back of the room. Write your assignments in what ever planner mode you wish to use. IPadMake sure you have your IPad and all materials with you when you come to class you will not be allowed to go back to your locker to get anything.
While you were gone World History- Make-up Assignments Aug. 23 While you were gone World History- Make-up Assignments Cook/Crayne Room 214 Student-_____________ Date Absent- Aug. 23 Date Due-______ Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in! Homework: Unit I- Geography Today on Canvas –Chapter 1 Quiz- Today on Canvas –Read Chapter 2 section 1 and Homework Pages due Aug. 26 Page 32- Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills questions 1, due Aug. 26 In Class Work: Go over notes for The Geographers Tools. Take Chapter 1 QuizAssignments- Go over notes for Chapter 1 Section 2- The Geographers Tools. Take Chapter 1 Quiz Activities- 1.Chapter 1 quiz- Canvas Geographers Tools #2 2.Clips- Geographers Tools #2 - 2:30 min. –Writing Question- In your notebook Geography Tutor - Map Skills- 3.Clip- Geography Tutor - Map Skills- 2:31- –Writing Question- In your notebook 4.World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Pages go over homework and in class notes 1.Page 22- Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills questions 1, Read Chapter 2- Notes due Aug. 27 Examination: Date and Period you will take the exam-______ Signature:____________
Day #4 Go over notes for The Geographers Tools. Take Chapter 1 QuizAssignments- Go over notes for Chapter 1 Section 2- The Geographers Tools. Take Chapter 1 Quiz Activities- Geographers Tools #2 1.Clips- Geographers Tools #2 2:30 min. –Writing Question- In your notebook Geography Tutor - Map Skills- 2.Clip- Geography Tutor - Map Skills- 2:31- –Writing Question- In your notebook 3.World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Pages go over homework and in class notes 1.Page 22- Answer Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills questions 1, Chapter 1 quiz- Canvas 5.Read Chapter 2- Notes due Aug. 27
World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- The Geographers Tools World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Chapter 1 Section 2- The Geographers Tools Go over homeworkGo over homework Take Chapter 1 Quiz on CanvasTake Chapter 1 Quiz on Canvas
Why Geography Matters by Google Earth - Clip #1- Why Geography Matters by Google Earth - 2:48 min. – Je6Qao&feature=rel mfu Je6Qao&feature=rel mfuhttp:// Je6Qao&feature=rel mfu
Why Geography Matters by Google Earth ? Clip #1 Why Geography Matters by Google Earth ? Writing Question – Put in your notebook. Question: Why does it matter?
Geography and Google Earth Clip #1- Geography and Google Earth 3 min. – Q7t7nM Q7t7nMhttp:// Q7t7nM
Geography and Google Earth ? Clip #1 Geography and Google Earth ? Writing Question – Put in your notebook. Question:
Geographer’s Tools 2 Clip #2- Geographer’s Tools 2 2:30 min. om/watch?v=DddcHe oifXY om/watch?v=DddcHe oifXY
Geographer’s Tools Clip #2 Geographer’s Tools Writing Question – Put in your notebook. Question: –What is a cartographer? –What is a scale? –What is a projection? –What is distortion? –What is a key? –What is a compass rose?
Clip #3- Geography Tutor - Map Skills– 2:31 om/watch?v=68Njs9 9jTBk om/watch?v=68Njs9 9jTBk
Clip #3- Geography Tutor Writing Question – Put in your notebook. Question: List as many things as you can on what a map shows.
World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Chapter 2 Section 1- Our Planet, Earth After you finish the test begin reading Chapter 2- Pages 28-54After you finish the test begin reading Chapter 2- Pages Chapter 2 Section 1 Notes are due on Monday.Chapter 2 Section 1 Notes are due on Monday.
World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- World Studies: Eastern Hemisphere- Chapter 2 Section 1- Our Planet, Earth Earth and the Sun Rotation Night and Day Revolution and SeasonsLatitudes