P REZI P RESENTATION Dover School District Summer 2011 ‘Neat Tools’ Stacy Billet
G ETTING S TARTED Go to Click ‘sign up now’ to create your own account. Click ‘New Prezi’ to create a new presentation. Provide a title and a description. A mini-tutorial will pop up. You may watch it or x out of it. You are now ready to begin.
G ETTING S TARTED Click here to create and edit.
T OP & S IDE T OOLBARS ** It will auto save after you add something. ** Meeting can use for students working on a presentation together. ** House button will put you back to the original size of your canvas. ** You can zoom in or out to see things in more detail or to see then entire canvas.
C HOOSE A C ANVAS S TYLE Click Colors & Fonts You may choose a pre-set theme, or use theme wizard to create your own theme.
A DDING T EXT Click on the canvas where you want the text, and begin typing. This ‘L’ looking shape will appear when you click to type.
C HANGING T EXT When typing text, the box will come up. You can click items to change your text.
A DJUSTING AN I TEM The outside circle rotates the item. The + and – changes the size of the item. The hand in the middle will move the item.
I NSERT Use this to insert a file, YouTube video, or shapes.
F RAMES Add frames around words or pictures. This makes doing the path easier.
P ATH Used to do the order of your information. When something is added in, use the circle between the 2 numbers to connect the newly added item.
S HOW Click to view your presentation while you are working on it.
V IEWING P REZI Click the More button, then full screen.