Christopher Lancaster And this is my inner Voice
The reason for my poem The reason why I picked this spoken word artist is because once I clicked on it and started to hear the message he was giving and I knew then this was the artist that I wanted to do my project on. Another reason I liked this poem is because that I can agree and relate of what he is saying about the poem and i can understand the deeper meaning towards his words and thoughts.
Malcolm London Well basically Malcolm London and where he comes from is the hard streets where he grow up and throughout that time he started to develop in poetry, but he background is like always have to endure the everyday lost of a friend. But I think that’s why he wanted to put his experience and the stuff that happened to him in words, to try to warn others about the things that happen to his friends. Now what the poem meant was that he gets a text message say that a friend named Ronny was stabbed to death at a party, so he really did not know the guy like that so he went to the guy Facebook page and started to remember. Both of the boys were not going to the party but that creates a scene for the character that was stabbed to death. So the figurative language in this poem is that you can imaged his friend Ronny being stabbed to death where every he was at and how it went down and took place.
Maya Angelou Maya Angelou was born in April 4, 1928 Louis, Missouri, Maya Angelou was writer and a civil rights activist. She was honored several honors throughout her career, she had one of her most famous works and this included NAACP image awards was a outstanding literacy. Well basically what she meant was that she is overcoming the terror and the fear, she is like a slave wanting to learn more things about the world and things around her, she absorb the gifts of her ancestors to become something to learn to be free and explore the world around her. The way this poem uses figurative language is that she says that I’m a black ocean leaping and wide welling and swelling I bear in the tide leaving behind terrors and fear I rise.
Tupac Shakur The legend Tupac Shakur but his real name is Lesane Parish Crooks, he was born In New York City in 1971, 2pac. During his life time he wanted to be an actor and write plays at the Baltimore School for the Arts where he attended acting and dance classes. So basically the theme of the poem is someone dying because he uses the word Demise and that means a persons death, so what he is saying that he wants to die with a purpose and someone too remember, he does not want to go out dying for nothing but dying for something. So the type of figurative language that is used in the poem is the imagery, because you can imagen his death laying in the coffin.
Alice Walker “Women” Alice Walker is a Pulitzer Prize-winning African American, Walker was born on February 9, Walker was many different things like an social worker, teacher and lecturer and she also took part of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, in 1983 Walker won an Pulitzer prize for her novel “the color purple Now what Alice Walker poem meant that women came a long to be where they are today, and what she meant was that they had to endure a lot of pain and suffering and that they made things possible for other women around the world and over the years. And also to help women rise up from the shadows and come into the light and let people know that they are able to do the same things as men. The figurative language that is used in the poem is the imagery, because you can picture how women all over the world started to rise up and do more things and let men know they can do the same things as men, to overcome obstacles and challenges as men, to be more free and willing to do more things as life keeps continuing on.
William Shakespeare A great poet and used his poems to inspired others his name is William Shakespeare. Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564 in England. Did you know that Shakespeare were actually written in conventional style. Ok so what he basically meant was that you have completed so much only to have to start all over from the beginning, to start from scratch and work your way back up to accomplish what you have loss. The figurative language in this is that you can picture the character and he is walking with the kings that must be god and his angels, and he saying that foes nor loving friends can hurt you, this must be that god telling him that there will be no more hatred towards or from others.
Emily Dickenson Born on December, 10 th As an child she was a very smart and very intelligent young women, she grow up in a strict household and hardly could not do things she wanted to do. she developed a life for poetry but her dad did not let her but she did anyway but even though he was very strict and demanding she still respect him as a very great father. What this poem basically mean is that she grows more comfortable with the dark than the light, and that it is nothing but darkness where she is there are no star lights, and also no moonshine, but it is also saying that with the dark there are some consequences towards being in the light. The figurative language in this poem is that picture being in a place without light and always covered I darkness, not able to see anything its just pure darkness.
Your Ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are u ready for the best thing in this presentation???? Huh huh huh are huh yea your ready, I’m going to show you a amazing video on verses and flows by Malcolm London hear his words speak to you and shoot deeply in your heart.
The touching words of an inspiriting person