Starter: reminder of the AS exam structure Paper 1: 3 questions assessing AOs 1, 3 and 4. – 2 questions on how language is used to create meanings and representations (AOs 1 and 3) – 1 question comparing 2 texts (AO4) Paper 2: 2 questions assessing AOs 1, 2 and 5. – a choice of 1 discursive essay in response to data, out of two options (AOs 1 and 2) – an original writing task about an issue to do with language (AOs 2 and 5)
Thinking about the AOs in more detail AO1: Apply appropriate methods of language analysis, using associated terminology and coherent written expression AO3: Analyse and evaluate how contextual factors and language features are associated with the construction of meaning AO4: Explore connections across texts, informed by linguistic concepts and methods
Thinking about the AOs in more detail AO2: Demonstrate critical understanding of concepts and issues relevant to language use AO5: Demonstrate expertise and creativity in the use of English to communicate in different ways In today’s lesson, we will be focusing on Section B of Paper 2, and these two assessment objectives, which are worth 20 marks each for this task.
Using a style model An example of the type of text you are trying to write Why is this useful? TASK: to annotate the style model (Meghan Trainor blog post) to identify key features of the form, purpose, audience, genre etc.
Writing our own mark scheme Using the worksheet, create your own mark scheme for this question: This text is a blog piece in which the writer discusses the lyrics of a Meghan Trainor song. Write blog in which you discuss the issues surrounding the representation of men and women in the music industry. Before writing your article you should state your intended audience. You may need to do some research and/or review what we have learnt in lessons so far.
Homework (due Friday) To write your response to this question. Remember to use your mark scheme and style model to help you. You may need to complete some research to help you complete this task. In the exam you would have 50 minutes to answer this question. I suggest that you spend at least 45 minutes reading/researching, and one hour writing as your homework task.