 Celebrities  Rights  Terrorism  Capital Punishment  Energy Crisis  Censorship.


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Presentation transcript:

 Celebrities  Rights  Terrorism  Capital Punishment  Energy Crisis  Censorship

 Write the topic your most interested in on the back of your paper. Write a backup topic below it.  Don’t show your choice to anyone.  Move to topic station  Divide table into (yes)pro/con(no)

o Are U.S prisons effective as punishment? o Are we making too much of the energy crisis? o Do the rights of the few impose upon the rights of the many? o Does capital punishment deter crime? o Are celebrities good role models? o Is terrorism still a problem for the U.S.?

Pro or Con (Agree or Disagree) (For or Against) I am pro school uniforms.

 Topic Assignment-Pro/Con › Groups will be formed (3)  Go over the difference between research and a report. › Researchable Question is a must!  Cover the basics. › Go over forms, library behavior, finding a good source, and note taking.

Day 2 Library Day Collect as much ammo as you can. How are you going to argue your point of view? Collect as many arguing points as you can. Get books! (Select one from the shelf at a time). You should not have to use the online catalog. Use your Cornell Notes form to organize your thoughts. Be sure to record your source information. DUE: 1 sheet of Cornell Notes from a book source.

Table of Contents

Chapter Headings

Images of Death and Violence cause violence -No one really dies in video games -No consequences -Simply respawn. -# of Violent crimes of children has increased since Rating system is not enforced by stores. Video Games How Many Deaths do They need to See? Luigi SmithRandom House Publishers New York Video Games increase violence in children

Finish up argument. (In class) Create outline for Debate. Meet with opposition. Record the main ways they plan to argue their point of view. Think of a defense (Rebuttal) DUE: Each group is responsible for turning in an outline for their Debate.

Carlos Mencia vs. Sheriff Arapio Rebuttal? Are they specific to the other persons claims. Do they question credibility? Does their appearance and composure matter? Can you identify with them and share their values? Arizona's law orders immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there's reason to suspect they're in the United States illegally.

My opponent claims this… Statistics show I’m more likely to be pulled over by police. Statistics show that I’m more likely to have an accident. High cost to repair Not reliable because it is older. But I say, Because I know I’m more likely to be pulled over I will be a safer driver. Older car that is made of steel and seatbelts can be upgraded. Used parts are available I can work on it myself because it is older car and it will be educational.

 Review Database Form  Go to Computer Lab and find a database source to help with your rebuttal.  Or, find a database source to use a secret weapon in your debate.  Last 30 minutes of class, complete outline for Debate and finish rebuttal. DUE: 1 sheet of Cornell Notes from a database source.

Organize rebuttals and arguments. Each member is responsible for one main point of argument and for responding to a rebuttal next class. Review Rubric. DUE: Type up debate. Each member should have a part. List your sources in MLA format.