1 Monitoring and Evaluating Employee Wellness Programs
2 Monitoring progress during the project Regular status reporting Centrally located planning calendars Widely distributed meeting minutes Performance reporting Promoting team member accountability
3 Tracking the progress Is project where it needs to be? Are tasks/cost exceeding estimates and duration? Are more resources required? Are there major/minor variances? Analyse the status of each project deliverable Resolve issues
4 Benefits of evaluating outcomes To see if intervention worked Demonstrates cost /benefit of intervention- was it worth the cost? Compare different types of programs eg did you meet industry standards for quit smoking programs? Give feedback (and inspiration to others) To gain info which could be used for press releases, publicity, shareholder reports etc
5 The key to effective evaluation is: Develop the tools for evaluation while you are planning for the program. Initially the evaluation can be done on the short term results eg “ did you participate and what you got out of it? ” and as programs expand or develop measuring longer term results such as retention, absenteeism, sick leave etc
6 What you are measuring If goals have been met If funds have been spent used efficiently
7 Evaluations also Chart the success and progress of the program Provide feedback for better budgeting, timing Give opportunities to review program content and presenters, training, communication strategies
8 Agenda for final project team meeting Performance (work scope, quality, managing changes) Cost performance Schedule performance Project planning and control Stakeholder/sponsor/client relationships Communication management Problem identification and resolution Recommendations for future projects - continuous improvement
9 Which of the following apply in your case? My company evaluation will need to: Determine the cost of the program Determine which programs are most effective Determine which programs are least effective Determine if the program met its goals Justify past and future expenditure Justify expansion
10 Evaluation procedure Set measurable goals and objectives Decide the evaluation information needed by company and employees Resolve how data will be collected Determine who will analyse data Decide when to conduct the evaluation Develop surveys and record keeping tools Report on the evaluation- make recommendations
11 What to evaluate? Knowledge and skills Reduced risk factors Participant satisfaction Participation rates Effects on costs Workers compensation rates Absenteeism rates Productivity Corporate culture improvements Workplace environment Perceptions of health program Turnover/ attraction/ retention rates
12 Jazzing it up for next time ….