Chapter 1 Section 4 The Reformation Continues
Other Reformation Movements John Calvin (Calvinism) wanted a theocracy to rule. Strict rules. Predestination (God has already chosen those to save. The “elect”) p61John Calvin (Calvinism) wanted a theocracy to rule. Strict rules. Predestination (God has already chosen those to save. The “elect”) p61 John Knox (Presbyterians) community churches led by laymen, elders (presbyters) became official religion of Scotland in 1560’s. Got rid of Mary Queen of Scots, replaced by son James. p62John Knox (Presbyterians) community churches led by laymen, elders (presbyters) became official religion of Scotland in 1560’s. Got rid of Mary Queen of Scots, replaced by son James. p62 Anabaptists—people who believed that people should make informed decision to join a church and were baptized again. Church and state should be separate.Anabaptists—people who believed that people should make informed decision to join a church and were baptized again. Church and state should be separate.
Reformation Leaders John Calvin John Knox Huldrych Zwingli Ignatius of Loyola Marguerite of Navarre
Catholic Reformation Catholic Church saw need to repair itselfCatholic Church saw need to repair itself –Ignatius of Loyola: spiritual prayers and meditation about Jesus would cleanse soul –Pope creates order of Jesuits from followers of Loyola to do three things Start schools of Classical and theological studyStart schools of Classical and theological study Convert non-Christians by sending missionaries around the worldConvert non-Christians by sending missionaries around the world Stop spread of ProtestantismStop spread of Protestantism
Council of Trent—Catholic bishops and Cardinals agree on important topics”Council of Trent—Catholic bishops and Cardinals agree on important topics” –Church’s interpretation of Bible was final –Faith and good works needed for salvation –Bible and Church instruction were equal authorities for guiding Christian living –Indulgences were valid expressions of faith Index of Forbidden Books was created to list books dangerous for Catholics to read and many were burned in bonfires across EuropeIndex of Forbidden Books was created to list books dangerous for Catholics to read and many were burned in bonfires across Europe
Legacy of Reformation Protestant Churches flourishProtestant Churches flourish New types of Christianity developNew types of Christianity develop Roman Catholic Church became more unified and made some reformsRoman Catholic Church became more unified and made some reforms Emphasis on education became important for ProtestantsEmphasis on education became important for Protestants Individual monarchs gain power as Church loses power and influenceIndividual monarchs gain power as Church loses power and influence Questioning of beliefs and authority set foundation for Age of Enlightenment in 18 th CenturyQuestioning of beliefs and authority set foundation for Age of Enlightenment in 18 th Century