Sponsored InMail Product Evolution
Real-time delivery: Sponsored InMail messages are delivered only when members are on LinkedIn Design optimized for mobile: “Sticky” call to action button remain on top of content while user scrolls Simplified desktop design Purpose-built to improve performance with clear calls to action, top banner position, prominent top sender position The Next Generation Sponsored InMail
3 Product Version Comparison CurrentNEW Delivery TypeFixed target listReal-time delivery Average Open rate~25%~40%* CTA on MobileBelow text“Sticky” button remains above content Contracted UnitsGuaranteedNon-guaranteed** Pricing ModelFixed cost per send2 nd price auction cost per send Banner Creative300x250, 300x600300x250 Banner formatImage, Flash, Javascript tag.Jpeg,.gif,.png * Average performance of pilot campaigns for approximately 45 customers ** Volume will be determined based on the clearing auction price
Who would you like to reach? Sponsored InMail Targeting Facets are identical to SU Ability to include/exclude facets* 100 Max Target Values (Companies, Skills, Etc) Available Targeting Facets Company Name, Industry, Size Job Title, Function, Seniority Member Skills Schools, Degree, Field of Study Groups Gender & Age * Cannot include & include the same targeting facet
Bid price This is the maximum the client is willing to pay. This will be used to determine who wins the auction. The higher the bid price, the more likely the win. 2nd highest bid price This is the bid price of the next highest bidder. The winner of the auction will only be charged $0.01 over the second highest-bidder’s bid price. Floor price This is the lowest possible price for an audience. They system will not accept bids below the floor price. If there are no other bidders who have bid above the floor price, then the winner is charged $0.01 over the floor price In the auction, there are three prices that matter
Sponsored InMail Components (See Submission Form) Message Customized salutation Body text (up to 500 characters) Up to (1) body link (1) URL for Banner/Button 300x250 Image Banner (jpeg/gif) Formatting of the CTA cannot be changed. Custom legal text (when applicable) Inbox From: Logo/Photo From: Company/Person Subject & description
7 Deliver valuable content to the most personal of LinkedIn channels – our members’ Inbox Reach active members with messages sent only when they are on LinkedIn Breakthrough the limits of traditional marketing with 100% deliverability Keep your key target audiences engaged across desktop and mobile Drive conversions with the right content and personalized messages