Group 2 Presentation Disaster Preparedness for Food Security
Output 1: Evidence Identify & list issues Food reserve facility Early warning systems Food safety nets What are those missing out? Due to not looking at livelihoods approach to EWS Nutrition, water & sanitation, education
Output 1: Evidence Identify & list issues “Inclusivity” – broaden participation & methodology standardisation – basic role aspects Decentralisation - increase relevance at district/provisional level Linkages – what other information is very necessary to add up Livelihoods approach to EWS
Output 2: Actors FEWSNET FAO WFP Concern Worldwide Oxfam CARE WVI Action Aid SAfAIDS SA CONGO Grain SA SAFEX SA Government USAID DFID EU Save US
Verdict! Lack of political will on joint action for the region – “SADC leaders are hypocrites” Lack of capacity to implement disaster preparedness – why FRF taking long?
Output 3: Potential Engagement InformaI ways of meeting with Council of Ministers of Agriculture – they eat don’t they? Dinner Strengthen engagement with national SADC committees Push for SACONGO to sign MoU with SADC, learn lessons on how Gender CSOs have done it – women power!!