Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th
‘Imperialism’ is empire building
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th ‘Imperialism’ is empire building Global European Imperialism started in the C15th under the Portuguese, Dutch and Spanish
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th ‘Imperialism’ is empire building Global European Imperialism started in the C15th under the Portuguese, Dutch and Spanish These were: Centralised Nation-States Technologically & Militarily advanced Able to avoid major conflict with strong nations around them Sea faring nations with ease of access to trade routes
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th By the C.19 th Industrialisation was the main advantage of the Europeans over their rivals Industrialisation lets you: Make massive profits Make cheap goods quickly Create new technologies Educate the masses Employ your population productively Massively grow your population Outpace your rivals
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th By the C.19 th Industrialisation was the main advantage of the Europeans over their rivals The British (who were the most industrialised) became the greatest colonial power. Queen Victoria (r ) -whom our own colony was named after.. No sunset for me..
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th A close second were the French Both were worried about the Russians and other rivals One is not amused by Ruskies..
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: ‘The Great Game’ ( ): British & Russian rivalry over control of Central Asia Russian encroachment onto Afghan territory makes the British concerned that Russia will launch an attack on India, the ‘Jewel in the British crown’..
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: ‘The Great Game’ ( ): British & Russian rivalry over control of Central Asia 1838: British attempt to secure region in First Anglo- Afghan War was a disaster as local mobs in Kabul riot and kill Europeans in the streets. The British were soon forced to retreat and were massacred by tribesmen as they fled to India.
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: ‘The Great Game’ ( ): British & Russian rivalry over control of Central Asia Subsequently Russia was able to seize provinces of Northern Afghanistan and increase its hold on the region. The British, after winning the Second Anglo-Afghan war in 1880, agreed to recognise Russian control of these areas in exchange for running Afghanistan’s foreign policy. They remained suspicious of each other however..
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: ‘The Great Game’ ( ): British & Russian rivalry over control of Central Asia The caption of the cartoon reads: "If we hadn't a thorough understanding, I (British lion) might almost be tempted to ask what you (Russian bear) are doing there with our little playfellow (Persian cat).“ By 1880s The ‘Great Game’ had shifted focus towards Tibet, China and Korea
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Crimean ( ): British, French & Ottomans vs Russians (Stalemate)
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Crimean ( ): British, French & Ottomans vs Russians (Stalemate) Key Outcomes: Technology (machine gun & artillery) dominant over cavalry and force of numbers. First European experience of trench-warfare. Everyone took notes on how a modern war might be run.
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Franco-Prussian War Decisive Prussian victory (France shamed, gave up Alsace-Lorraine)
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Franco-Prussian War Decisive Prussian victory (France shamed, gave up Alsace-Lorraine) Key Outcomes: More modern weapons (pin-loading rifles) and smaller more professional army decisive advantages for Germans. Led to an increase in militarism and mistrust on the European continent.
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Franco-Prussian War Decisive Prussian victory (France shamed, gave up Alsace-Lorraine) Key Outcomes: More modern weapons and smaller more professional army decisive advantages for Germans. Led to an increase in militarism.
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Italo-Ethopian Wars ( ) Italy vs Ethiopians & Russians (Ethiopian victory)
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Italo-Ethopian Wars ( ) Italy vs Ethiopians & Russians (Ethiopian victory) Key Outcomes: Complicated supply lines and harsh climate crippled Italian forces. First defeat of a white colonial Empire by free African people.
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Boer War ( ) Britain & Colonies vs Africaaner Dutch & German (British victory)
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Boer War ( ) Britain & Colonies vs Africaaner Dutch & German (British victory) Key Outcomes: Well armed, guerilla tactics and knowledge of terrain caused great loss of life to attacking British. British secured victory through use of colonial troops used to climate conditions (Australians, Canadians, Indians and Nepalese). First use of concentration camps.
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Boer War ( ) Britain & Colonies vs Africaaner (British victory) Key Outcomes: British secured victory through use of colonial troops used to climate conditions (Australians, Canadians, Indians and Nepalese). First use of concentration camps.
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Russo-Japanese War ( ) Russia vs Japan (with British ships) (Jap. victory)
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Russo-Japanese War ( ) Russia vs Japan (with British ships) (Jap. victory) Key Outcomes: Superior range and calibre of heavy guns decisive in Japanese victories on sea. Contributes to Naval Arms race. First defeat of a European power by an Oriental nation. Following victory, dominance of region by Japan- Emergence of Japan as an expansive Imperialist nation. ‘Yellow Peril’ fear in Australia Uprisings and discontent weaken Tsarist Russia
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Russo-Japanese War (1906) Russia vs Japan (with British ships) (Jap. victory)
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Russo-Japanese War (1906) Russia vs Japan (with British ships) (Jap. victory)
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th Notable Imperial conflicts: Russo-Japanese War (1906) Russia vs Japan (with British ships) (Jap. victory)
Imperialism C.19 th -C.20th Asia, 1900 CE Britain France Japan Germany Ottoman Russia USA China
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th In the 1860s Germany and Italy became independent, unified nations and quickly started to create industrial empires and acquire colonies
Imperialism in the late C.19 th & early C.20th While the British initially saw the Germans under Bismarck as a buffer against the French and Russians, by 1900 the Prussian-led Germans had overtaken the majority of their rivals.
Imperialism C.19 th -C.20th Europe, 1900 CE Austria-Hungary Britain France Germany Ottomans Russia Italy Belgium
Imperialism C.19 th -C.20th Africa, 1900 CE
Imperialism C.19 th -C.20th Asia, 1900 CE Britain France Japan Germany Ottoman Russia USA China