Presented by : Wan Faezah binti Wan Ahmad PB08082 THE IMPORTANT OF SCHEDULING FOR TIME MANAGEMENT
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INTRODUCTION Problem Statement – A lack of understanding about importance of scheduling for time management in achieving project success. Research Objective – To investigate the effect of scheduling on the project specifically in terms of project completion. Research question – How does scheduling effect the project? – What is the important of scheduling for time management?
LITERATURE REVIEW Meaning of scheduling – Plan of procedure, usually written for a proposed objective with a reference to the sequence of and time allotted for each item or operation necessary to its completion. Meaning of time management – refers to the development of processes and tools that increase efficiency and productivity Why schedule is importance for time?
Where – Ahmad Zaki Resources Berhad Who – 70 employees and 5 expert of Project Manager How – Survey Questionnaire and interview METHODOLOGY
This study has been able to increase information about the importance of schedule when they construct a project. When they have knowledge about the importance of scheduling for time management, so the project will be managed well and the project can finished in the specific period of time.