Scheduling Methods for Effective School Library Media Centers in K - 8 School Districts Rose Hagar Thesis II Rowan University May 9, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Scheduling Methods for Effective School Library Media Centers in K - 8 School Districts Rose Hagar Thesis II Rowan University May 9, 2005

Statement of the Problem The LMCs in the Absecon School district were not being utilized in a manner that allows them to meet their maximum potential Not all students in the district were given equal access to the media centers

Research Questions What was the district’s view of the role of the LMS and the library media center, and the role both play in student achievement? What was the level of staffing in the library media center? What type of scheduling was used in the library media center and why? What role did the school principal play in the effective operation of the library media center?

Review of the Literature Student Achievement Keith Curry Lance Examined the relationship between student achievement test scores and the library media program In 2002 compared the findings from his six major studies with the mandates set forth by NCLB

Review of the Literature Role of the LMS In order to be effective in the 21 st century, the LMS must commit to the role of information specialist by following these principles: School library has no boundaries LMS should be flexible Students must be effective users of information Information is everywhere Carrie Lowe, 2000

Review of the Literature Support of the School Principal Library media specialists identified three ways that the principal showed support by : Making it clear that teachers must be directly involved with the library program Becoming a role model by being visibly involved with the library program and being able to interpret the role of the SLP to students, faculty, other district personnel, and other principals Providing adequate funding for materials and clerical help Dianne Oberg, 1995

Review of the Literature Scheduling Methods Flexible scheduling: Meeting the needs of the students at the appropriate time with consistent service Principal support is critical for implementation Must educate principals to the concept Less stressful when alternatives for teacher planning time are provided Support staff is crucial to the implementation Joy McGregor, 1999

Design of Research Looked at similar school districts in NJ to find alternatives to the current situation Descriptive survey which was mailed LMS in K -8 school districts with similar student enrollment and building size Between 500 – 1500 students, and one to three buildings in the district

Response Rate Surveys were mailed to 101 schools in 51 school districts 51% response rate (52 out of 101) District response rate of 73% (37 out of 51)

Results Districts placed the role of the teacher as most important Other teaching responsibilities The role of program administrator was the least important

Results 96% staffed by an individual with professional teaching certification Only 48 of the 71 library media centers employed support staff

Results Fixed scheduling if the most common method of scheduling because the media specialist is used as a prep for classroom teachers

Results Principals played an important role in the operation of the media center because they were responsible for creating the daily schedule

Conclusions Results of the study lead me to believe that the districts value the importance of the LMC and the LMS but there is an underlying factor that has become a major roadblock statewide. Comments from respondents have identified this roadblock as insufficient funds to provide the needed services.

Further Research New survey in several years to see if there have been any changes A survey of the administration A study of budget factors A study to see if there is a commonality among the various regions of the state

Problems Encountered Because our state is unique in its educational system, the variations in districts were overwhelming So many unique scheduling situations, not able to find a common model that was used

The End! Congratulations to everyone! Thank you, Dr. Shontz!