Picking an Application& Technology Governance – AS IS Engineering/Construction & Operations/Support working independently (no standards). Any associate can create an incident ticket, a service request or a request for project. The resulting project portfolio is a reviewed on a monthly basis by the Technology Steering Committee composed of a mix of decision makers/non decision makers representing the business functions and the IT Division. Service Requests are handled on a “scream the loudest” basis between function associates and IT Incident tickets are now processed in a standard way as a result of a June Kaizen prior to Link Light Rail go-live.
Picking an Application& Technology Governance – AS IS Due to the contracting process and the construction phases similar needs are fulfilled by different vendors and different solutions especially for OSN – Office Services Network (stations, parking garages) CSN – Control Systems Network (Fire/Safety, Traction, Signals) FCN – Fare Collection Network (Ticket Vending Machines, ORCA readers) Functional departments hire interns and contractors to develop applications when IT cannot prioritize or fund their project requests. The resulting applications are eventually transferred to IT when issues arise. Functional departments can pick a point SaS solution. IT responds to project requests with new custom or packaged systems.
Picking an Application& Technology Governance – TO BE Define standards: Engineering team & IT Division Team with Contracts/Purchasing to include an IT review for technology items in the purchasing process. Rebirth the TSC name, scope and membership: each function represented, Deputy CEO as chair, quarterly review. Assign IT liaison to engage each function Review each project request by Function Technology Governance representative and IT Liaison to that function. FTG representative to validate business benefits (hard $ and soft benefits), kill request or present to FTG.
Picking an Application& Technology Governance – TO BE Introduce phase gate process for projects. Initial gate to include clear business benefits. Initial solution research to include Gartner/Forrester input with 3 options: expand existing system, SaS/outsourcing, new package/custom system. Solution proposed to evaluate for each option: TCO (initial implementation + on going support), level of effort, schedule to deliver functionalities, how does each option meets/does not meet/exceeds needs. Introduce release management for each system with super users representing key functions. Each release identified as a place holder in the project portfolio.