Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs 2013 Intel ISEF Educator Academy Phoenix, Arizona Action Plan – Mexico 1
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs High Level Goals What do you want to accomplish for your school, region or country? Look at long-term (3-5 years) and short-term goals (1-2 years) Examples –Long term goals –Establish a very well structured system of communication in all high schools systems in the country: Federal (SEMS), and local. In private (Catholics, IBO, etc.), and public schools as well. –Creation of Talento de México. Under this organization FeMCI (Mexican science and Engineering fair will be working). –Funding will be coming from federal government (CONACYT), and from each science fair (State councils for science and Technology) –Private companies are sponsoring special awards in each regional fair (ICA, Dell, Coca Cola FEMSA, Intel, Daimler (TBC), etc. (BKM) –Improve quality of projects based on a very well structured Scientific Review Committee –Starting to win awards on a regular basis in the following 5 years –Short term goals –Build a strong social media structure: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Linkedin, Youtube channel, with students as interns or in community service or proffessional practices. –Create an engage community for teachers –Create a Scientific Review Commitee in FeMCI and a local director in each regional fair 2
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs 3 Objectives How will you know you succeeded? Please list the results you want to see –Quality in projects will be improved, and science fairs will start winning awards on a regular basis in the following 5 years –Mentoring and judging is being restructured –CONACYT will commit budget for regional fairs and eventually for a single national fair –All 4 regional fairs will be supporting with budget the operation of Talento de México –Finish the ramp of the new Talento de México structure in 2013 and grow the team. –More sponsorships from Private sector –More awards with a budget (sponsorship) to travel
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs Action Plan – Steps to Meet Your Goals and Objectives 4 ActionSuccess Measure Who is responsible Due Date Finishing the creation of Talento de México Acta ConstituivaIrma PeñuelasJune 2013 Development of the Science Review Committee Very clear articulation in each science fair Alma Delia Zamarripa July 2013 Regional Science Fairs300 projects in competition Sandra GómezOctober 2013 Mentoring winning projects to ISEF Improving qualitySandra Gómez and Alma Delia Zamarripa November 2013-April 2014 Special Awards trackingAll winners can redeem their awards with each company Sandra GómezNovember 2013-April 2014 Application for new processInvolvement of high school system Sandra Gómez1st half 2013 and 1st half 2014
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs 5 Reflection As a result of your participation in the 2013 Educator Academy, please reflect on your experience Highlight what your team felt was the key learning from the Educator Academy This year shoptalks were really what we needed to hear. Shelley´s workshop was the most benefical, because there are a huge amount of resources to use in the upcomig future What would you improve? Probably to rethink shoptalks. We think Educator´s Academy needs a refresh in how it works every year, beacuse we have some visitors that come oftenly and they see the same program every time. What types of Shop Talks were missing? BKMs in world´s science competitions not Intel ISEF affiliated
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