ECD in Action Quality Education & Care for Young Children Technical ECCD Workshop Cape Town, July 26, 2010 Ruth Kagia Country Director “Education…is the seed and flower of development.” Harbison and Myers
We cannot always build the future for our youth but we can build the youth for our future. Franklin D. Roosevelt ( 32 nd US president ) ECD provides the Roots It’s the foundation of human-capital formation utero-6 yrs critical brain pathways & processes developed when progressive transformations occur (Heckman 2006) external influences in early childhood have long life effects The environment affects the number of brain cells and connections among them and the way these connections are "wired” And the wings Alters the developmental trajectory of a child Has the highest rate of development return (see High/Scope Perry preschool program in notes below) is the most cost-effective way to reduce poverty and to foster economic growth because of cognitive, psychosocial, health and productivity benefits
Scientific evidence to support ECD investments Four concepts have emerged from decades of mutually independent research in economics, neuroscience, and developmental psychology : 1.The architecture of the brain and the process of skill formation are both influenced by an inextricable interaction between genetics and individual experience. 2.Both the mastery of skills essential for success and the development of their underlying neural pathways follow hierarchical rules in a bottom-up sequence such that later attainments build on foundations that are laid down earlier. 3.Cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional competencies are interdependent, all are shaped powerfully by the experiences of the developing child, and all contribute to success in the workplace. 4.Although adaptation continues throughout life, human abilities are formed in a predictable sequence of sensitive periods, during which the development of specific neural circuits and the behaviors they mediate are most plastic, and therefore optimally receptive to environmental influences Nobel laureate in economics James Heckman Heckman 2006).
Global snapshot of stunting in the young – Africa and India are locus Source: Disease control prevention project, Nov 2008
Global snapshot of stunting in the young – Africa and India are locus Map source: Disease control prevention project, Nov 2008, Data from Copenhagen Consensus Challenge Paper South Asia is home to 50% of the world’s stunted children < 5 yrs of age 74 million out of 178 million Africa has 57 million of 178 million Maternal and child under- nutrition is underlying cause of 3.5 million deaths, 35% of the disease burden in children younger than 5 years, and 11% of total global DALY’s” (Disability-Adjusted Life Years).
Reversing the cycle of poverty By 2040 Africa will be home to one in five of the world’s young people and will have the world’s largest working age population. Will these people be an asset or a liability ? World Bank 1993 Exponential & sustained economic growth Getting & maintaining fundamentals right Sustained accumulation of human capital: – Education & economic policies juxtaposed and aligned – Education system, integrated, diverse and comprehensive – Focus on equity and quality – Education & values endogenous, economic linkages exogenous Eight Ingredients of Good Education Systems (McKinsey 2007)
Reversing cycle of poverty: Relentless focus on Quality PISA 2006 Results Averages High Income Countries Averages Developing Countries Percentage of students at each proficiency level on the science scale
What would it take to harness ECD potential? Policies: national vision and strategy, established standards and measurable indicators Integrated programs : combining nutrition, health care, active interaction, linked to endogenous models and to primary schools. Focus on disadvantaged and vulnerable Partnership with stakeholders: private sector, parents, communities
What are the key ECD opportunities/challenges in your country?