A Movement of Ideas for Growth Results London, November 2015
Partnerships to foster organizational capacity By Katherine Price
TODAY’S SESSION -What does a partnership mean? -Different types of partnerships -Why do we use these partnerships & what does success look like? -Examples of successful partnerships -Identify our individual partnership needs -Next steps
The definition of partnership partnership : a cooperative relationship between people or groups who agree to share responsibility for achieving some specific goal “The great marriages are partnerships. It can't be a great marriage without being a partnership” – Dame Helen Mirren
Different types of partnerships Technical partnerships – provide expertise usually in return for payment e.g. website or IT skills Pro bono partnerships – offer services free of charge eg. legal, marketing etc. Media Partnership – raise profile for your organisation or an event, offering access to new channels Fundraising partnership – partnering with a company or individual to raise money Brand Partnership - aligned values
Different Types of Partnerships Exercise - What Partnerships do you have already? - What kinds of partnerships could you have?
Exercise 2: Why do we use different types of partnerships? Pro’s & Cons of different types partnerships?
How we can use partnerships for growth Open new doors & meet new contacts Don’t be limited by your own resources Can’t be an expert in everything Raise money Grow & diversify membership Exposing girls to new experiences
& Development Day for Girls Benefits to Girl Scouts – tangible skills learned, encouraged girls to be ambitious, role models, friendship & FUN Benefits to State Street – employee engagement, motivational experience, CSR credentials, local media?
The Volunteers
The Girls
& What made it successful? -Started with who they knew already -Mutually beneficial -Tangible results -Kept it simple -Potential to grow and develop What was the Impact? -Long term relationship building – philanthropy opportunities -Mentoring opportunities -Role models -Life skills
Identifying your Partnership needs…. -What sort of partnership could you benefit from? -How would it help you grow? -What next steps can you take to make it happen?
“ One of the main lessons I have learned during my five years as Secretary- General is that broad partnerships are the key to solving broad challenges. When governments, the United Nations, businesses, philanthropies and civil society work hand-in-hand, we can achieve great things” Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of UN
Thank you & Questions?