Test 1 Step 1 complete the sentences 1.the old man is longing to visit the _____ship again 2.beidaihe is one the famous summer ______in china 3.all flights were _______because of a dense fog. 4.people can also _____ a good knowledge of English by self-study 5.when Christmas comes, almost all food department stores provide a variety of puddings for people to _____ 6.had he not seen such a bold and resourceful _______, he would not have invested in such a risky business
nikki used to be a secretary, but now she is working as a car __________engineer the company flourished in the 1990s, but it went into _______in 2001 because of poor management before you take part in a game, you should _____yourself with its rules the clerks in the banks are always at you service when you ______-or withdraw money the president’s involvement in the bribery ruined his ______ never pay the advertised price for a product, always try to _____
many people in the city, especially young people, are considering _____house of their own with loans from banks this company has decided to stop all further business ____with that firm advertising is one of the most effectively methods of ___ money _____ as it goes from person to person the newly-established joint ventures will ________personal computers the cucumber was delicious yesterday because it was cooked with a new _____
Step 2 cloze When a company hires from within, it has the _1___of being familiar with the employee. Having __2___the person’s strengths and weakness while on the job (and having observed him or her in action over the years), employees are in a better position to know if the employee will be a good fit or not. When hiring from outside the company, however, there is always the risk that someone who appears ideal during the interviewing process will ___3__a poor fit once on the job.
If the employee is looking for a ____4__ that is a step up from his or her current one but still in the same department or general area, the switch will be a relatively painless one. If an employee is looking to make a more significant change changing the course of their career path by __5____a completely different department and different type of a job, for example—then while there may be a learning curve to deal with during the transition, you illustrate your company’s ___6__employee development by allowing your staff member to learn while on the job.
A company that demonstrates a policy of hiring from within also fosters greater employee___7___, which can have concrete benefits throughout the company. Employees at all levels are more likely to challenge themselves when they know that there is _8____for future job advancement within the firm. This means a lower employee ___9____rate and a higher job-satisfaction rate, _10______are always good for business.
1. A. disadvantage B. advantage C advance D achievement 2. A. evaluated B. witnessed C. seen D known 3. A. result B become C discover D prove 4. A. job B work C position D career 5. A switching to B switching C swing into D swatting out 6. A potential to B commitment to C confidence for D aim to 7. A attachment B respect C loyalty D satisfaction 8. A potential B potent C ability D possible 9. A. employment B turnover C unemployment D promotion 10 A. which both B both that C both of which D both of that