A faithful witness to the end – Acts 28:17-31 1. The audience a. Jews – v.17-27 a. Jews – v.17-27 1. Defence – v.17-19 1. Defence – v.17-19 2. Witness.


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Presentation transcript:

A faithful witness to the end – Acts 28: The audience a. Jews – v a. Jews – v Defence – v Defence – v Witness to Jesus – v.20,23,31 2. Witness to Jesus – v.20,23,31 3. Response – v.24,25 3. Response – v.24,25 4. Warning – v Warning – v b. Gentiles – v b. Gentiles – v Soldiers – v.20,30; Phil.1: Soldiers – v.20,30; Phil.1: Caesar’s household – Phil.4:22; Acts 27:24 2. Caesar’s household – Phil.4:22; Acts 27:24

c. The whole world – v.30 Paul’s letters from prison:- Philippians – Jesus’ humility & exaltation 2:5-11 2:5-11 Ephesians – Jesus destroying all barriers 1:9,10; 2:1-18 1:9,10; 2:1-18 Colossians – Jesus, Lord of the Universe & Church – 1:15-20; 2:9,10 Church – 1:15-20; 2:9,10

2. The message a. Jesus is the Messiah/Christ –v.20,31; 23:6; 24:15; 26:22,23 - he spoke of & showed that God’s kingdom had come with him – Mk.1:14,15 - he spoke of & showed that God’s kingdom had come with him – Mk.1:14,15 - in his death & resurrection he broke the powers of sin, death & Satan - in his death & resurrection he broke the powers of sin, death & Satan b. Jesus is Lord – v.31

3. Key essentials in evangelism a. God is the sovereign evangelist - Salvation is God’s plan - Salvation is God’s plan - Salvation brought about through Jesus - Salvation brought about through Jesus - Jesus sends out his people – Mt.16:18; 28:18- 20; Acts 1:8 - Jesus sends out his people – Mt.16:18; 28:18- 20; Acts 1:8 - The Holy Spirit equips the messengers - The Holy Spirit equips the messengers - God works through the struggles of his people – 4:24-30; 8:1-4; chs.12, God works through the struggles of his people – 4:24-30; 8:1-4; chs.12,21-28 Summaries – 6:7; 12:24; 13:49; 19:20

b. The message is Jesus & his rule 1. Jesus – creator of all things 2. Jesus – restorer a. Life & ministry a. Life & ministry b. Death & resurrection b. Death & resurrection c. Exaltation c. Exaltation d. Return – as Judge & Saviour d. Return – as Judge & Saviour 3. People reconciled to God & one another 4. All creation restored – Rom.8:18-21

c. Every Christian is called to be a messenger Every Christian can play a part as we:- 1. Trust in God 2. Know the message 3. Have open hearts, homes, mouths & ready feet 4. Are growing in our likeness to Christ Acts 4:13 Acts 4:13