Praying with the Right attitude about God
Our Father – I know I can speak freely and personally to you as my heavenly Father.
Praying with the Right attitude about God Our Father – I know I can speak freely and personally to you as my heavenly Father. Hallowed – I long for people to honor you as holy.
Praying with the Right attitude about God Our Father – I know I can speak freely and personally to you as my heavenly Father. Hallowed – I long for people to honor you as holy. Your Kingdom Come – I long for your eternal victory over evil.
Praying with the Right attitude about God Our Father – I know I can speak freely and personally to you as my heavenly Father. Hallowed – I long for people to honor you as holy. Your Kingdom Come – I long for your eternal victory over evil. Your will be done…as in heaven – I want your will, not my own
The turning point of prayer is when we stop praying for what we want now and start praying for what God wants forever. Praying with the Right attitude about God
Daily Bread – I trust you for all my personal needs. Praying with the Right attitude about my needs
Daily Bread – I trust you for all my personal needs. Forgive us… temptation – I deeply need your grace and spiritual help. Praying with the Right attitude about my needs
Daily Bread – I trust you for all my personal needs. Forgive us… temptation – I deeply need your grace and spiritual help. Humility about my sin and grace for others. Praying with the Right attitude about my needs
Daily Bread – I trust you for all my personal needs. Forgive us… temptation – I deeply need your grace and spiritual help. Humility about my sin and grace for others. Dependent on God for help avoiding sin. Praying with the Right attitude about my needs
Forgiveness after murder Davey & Amanda Blackburn My hope is for 3 things in the weeks and months to come: (1) That the court system would have wisdom on how to prosecute this man, so that no one else endures the pain Amanda and our family have… (2) That … he (the killer) would even begin to experience the life- transforming power of the Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ. (3) That Jesus would give me and our family a heart of forgiveness. Though everything inside of me wants to hate, be angry, and slip into despair I choose the route of forgiveness, grace and hope. …Today I am deciding to extend forgiveness, not bitterness... By Jesus' power at work within us, the best is STILL yet to come. Even when I don't see it, I believe it to be true. Davey Blackburn