Journal Read: Isaiah 42:1-9 Isaiah 52:13-53:12 1 Peter 2:22-25 Romans 10:5-21 How do these NT passages allude to the OT passages from Isaiah? What aspects.


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Presentation transcript:

Journal Read: Isaiah 42:1-9 Isaiah 52:13-53:12 1 Peter 2:22-25 Romans 10:5-21 How do these NT passages allude to the OT passages from Isaiah? What aspects of Christ are they trying to convey?

Isaiah 53 Isaiah 52:13-53:12 The suffering servant. 52:13-15: “God” 53:1-11a: “We” 53:11b-13: “God”

Isaiah 53 Two points of understanding: -This redemptive suffering is a category of interpretation that the suffering servant claims for himself. Nowhere in the text do other people compel him to see it. Naming their own suffering in this way. This distinction is often missed. -For Jews this passage is past tense. This is a critical reflection on past suffering. A poetic meditation on the past. It is very narrow in scope, it is an Inner Jewish stream. Christ’s universal efficacy is not found in the Jewish reading of chap 53. According to the Jewish reading Chap 53 is not universal in scope, i.e a is not all the nations. This is not likely and probably a retrojection of Christian thought.

The Early Life of Christ Mysterion: God’s saving plan unfolded in history God who is mystery is the very same God who revealed himself in human history. Everything about Jesus reveals God as infinitely loving and merciful.

The Early Life of Christ Birth of Jesus  Matthew and Luke contain infancy narratives  Highlight Jesus, Mary, and Joseph (foster father)  Mary: a virgin, conceived of the Holy Spirit  The stories reveal more about Jesus and his mission Circumcision and Presentation in the Temple Jesus’ circumcision incorporated him into the Chosen People. Example of humility Jesus is God’s only Son Old prophets Simeon and Anna recognize him as the Messiah.

The Early Life of Christ The Magi, Flight into Egypt, and Herod’s Slaughter of the Innocents The Epiphany celebrates the mystery of Christ’s manifestation as the Savior of the world. The Holy Family’s flight into Egypt reveals how God protected Him from evil. Hidden Years  Jesus lived a life of humble obedience in Nazareth.  Contrasts with Adam’s disobedience  Learned Jewish faith from his parents  Jesus’ humility teaches us how to pray, live, and witness to our faith.

Followers of Jesus His life-giving words and marvelous deeds inevitably drew disciples to him!

Call of the Twelve Jesus selected the Twelve Apostles (from the word “send”) to assist him in his work. Jesus chose the Apostles. Jesus taught on his own authority.

The Call of the Twelve Peter Andrew James, Zebedee’s son John, Zebedee’s son Philip Bartholomew Matthew, or Levi Thomas James, son of Alphaeus Simon the Zealot Judas, son of James Judas Iscariot

Jesus’ Public Life Baptism by John the Baptist By his submission to John’s baptism, Jesus again displayed his humility. All Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity are Jesus in the scene. Temptations in the Desert Satan tempted Jesus three times during his forty-day retreat in the desert. Foreshadowed his victory over sin and Satan True love often requires sacrifice.

Jesus Proclaims the Gospel “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe the gospel.”

Jesus Proclaims the Gospel Jesus’ Miracles Mighty works, wonders, and signs revealed that God’s Kingdom was present in his very person. Purpose was to show Jesus’ power over sin Paschal Mystery Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension Paschal Mystery rescued humanity from sin and death. Jesus is Risen!

Transfiguration The mystery from Christ’s life in which God’s glory shone through and transformed Jesus’ physical appearance while he was in the company of the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah Peter, James, and John witnessed this event.

Jesus the Teacher Jesus returned from the desert and began to teach in the synagogues. “Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” (Lk 4:21) Jesus is claiming that in him Isaiah’s prophecy about the Messiah is taking place—he is the Good News!

How Jesus Taught  Jesus was genuine.  Jesus was available.  Jesus spoke Aramaic—a poetic language—using hyperbole and parallel statements.  Jesus taught with authority using “Amen” to introduce and strengthen his words.  Jesus was a brilliant debater.  Jesus challenges his listeners.

The Regions Where Jesus Taught  Galilee  Fertile land in the north watered by the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee  Farmers, shepherds and fishermen were prosperous.  Spoke with a distinctive Aramaic accent  Samaria  North central region inhabited by those who descended from foreigners  Worshipped at Mount Gerazim  Judea  Dry, barren land in the south inhabited by those who returned from the Babylonian captivity  Jerusalem is its principal city.

Jesus Preached the Kingdom of God The Kingdom of God is the active presence of God’s love, justice, truth and Salvation working in the world! Ultimately, it is Christ’s work of redemption that brings about the Kingdom!

What Are Parables? parabole: “placing two things side by side in order to compare them” Jesus told simple, vivid picture stories drawn from everyday life. His stories reveal truth in an interesting way that was easy to remember. Parables forced his listeners to look at reality in a fresh way.

The Meaning of Parables God’s Kingdom Is for All  Jesus is the Promised One, the Messiah.  The growth of the Kingdom is steady, and sure, but spreads mysteriously.  Despite all obstacles it will flourish. Sinners are Welcome  Jesus preached forgiveness and mercy.  God’s love is beyond what we can comprehend.  God’s mercy is something to rejoice about.

The Meaning of Parables Salvation  Jesus came to assure us that Salvation is taking place.  Salvation is for everyone.  Jesus not only announced Salvation, he brought it in. Belief and Repentance  Repent (Greek metanoia): “change one’s mind,” a radical way of thinking and doing things  God’s justice is breaking into our world.  Repentance and faith go hand in hand.

The Meaning of Parables Preparation for God’s Judgment  “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”  Because God is love; we, as Jesus’ disciples, must also be loving. Rejoice  Even amidst apparent setbacks in working for God’s Kingdom and Salvation, we should be happy, joyful people.  Jesus announces that good triumphs over evil.  The time to choose Jesus is now!

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount An occasion when Jesus went up on a mountainside to speak to a great crowd of followers Brings to mind Moses, who delivered the Law from Mount Sinai Luke contains the Sermon on the Plain.

The Beatitudes—Our Roadmap to Happiness Jesus’ blessings reveal how to fulfill our desire for happiness and teach us the final end to which God calls us: the Kingdom

The Beatitudes Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.

The Beatitudes Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

The Beatitudes Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.

The Beatitudes Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

Breaking Open the Lord’s Prayer “The Gospel in miniature” “Give us this day our daily bread.” Jesus invites us to call God “Abba.” We end the Our Father with “Amen.”

Salt of the Earth and Light of the World If we put on the Beatitudes, we will make a difference in the world. Committed disciples flavor the world with Christ’s love. Our good works should be like a beacon of light that leads others to God.

New Standard of Law Jesus came to fulfill all the promises of the Old Covenant Mere external observance of the Law is not enough. We should not even be angry with our neighbor. We should not even lust after another. We should be truthful in everything. We should love even our enemy and not seek revenge.

Have a Right Attitude Jesus instructed his followers to examine their attitudes when they perform virtuous works. God loves us and has already rewarded us. Why should we be motivated by what others think? Requirements for Christian Living Jesus teaches the Golden Rule: do to others whatever you would have them do to you. It is not enough to mouth the word of God; we must put the words into action.

The Sermon on the Mount is the charter statement of our Christian life!