WRFV3chemT Student: Shou-Hung Chien Supervisor : Yu-Heng Tseng Danie Liang Shu-Chih Yang
WPS WPS V3 NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses, ds083.2 – 1°x1° Reanalysis data, Vtable from GFS
WPS Change in WPS/arch/configure.defaults (only first time) –COMPRESSION_LIBS = -L/nuwa_cluster/opt/jasper- 1.9/lib -L/lib64 -L/usr/lib64 \ – -ljasper -lpng12 -lpng -lz –COMPRESSION_INC = -I/nuwa_cluster/opt/jasper- 1.9/include \ –NCARG_LIBS2 = -L${PGI}/linux86-64/9.0/lib -lpgftnrtl - lpgc \ Configure option for nuwa –source make_wps.pgi –PC Linux x86_64 (IA64 and Opteron), PGI compiler 5.2 or higher, serial
WRFV3chemT_tracer6 Based on WRFV All 6 tracer has the molecular mass as CO 2 Difficult while in nuwa –source make_wrf.pgi –Linux x86_64, PGI compiler with gcc (dmpar) –compile em_real; compile em_real; compile wrf;
Fire location
Fire Hot Spot data-P.taiwan.bin –Point Source for smokestack –38 indices (lat, lon, index1, index2, ht, dm, tw, tp) data-AL.taiwan.bin –Line and Area source for other source –33 indices (lat, lon, index1) prof.dat –Index for point and area, line source
180s for 45km (270s) 169 x 153 x 25
WRFDA Based on WRFV3.2 3dvar –./da_wrfvar.exe –This is for perturb the initial condition –Perturb U, V, T, MU, PSFC, PH, QVAPOR boundary –./da_updated_bc.exe –This is for perturb the boundary (tendency) condition
WRFDA met2real.*dom.sh –using real.exe for initial and boundary condition –Number of cycle = number of ensemble 6 hours + 1 prepare_ICBC.csh (run_prepare.job) –run 3dvar_Member_ICBC.csh –prepare the initial and boundary condition –Generate one wrfinput_d01 and one wrfbdy_d01 for every 6 hours 3dvar_Member_ICBC.csh –Perturb the initial and boudary condition –Use da_wrfvar.exe and pert_wrf_bc run_reinit.sh for cat those boundary condition files
Ensemble test run (forecast) reinit_chem.sh (run.sh) –Prepare the directory for ensemble run runWRFChem.sh –Run wrf.exe –namelist.input.wrfchem; wrfchem.job.template –Suggest 8 nodes for each job cap_restart –start time and end time
WRFDA results Perturb with analysis type “randomcv”