November 2 Ms. Wu says … get to work! 1.Copy homework into planner. 2.Get your HW 2.7 out. 1.Make sure your name is on it. 2.Staple the pages together, if needed. 3.Work on the warm up quietly in pen. 4.Turn in the warm up into the manila folder. 5.Start grading HW 2.7 (answer key on table). ________________________________________________
Graphing Practice 1. Given the equation of four lines, transform them into slope-intercept form. Then graph them using the restricted domains and specified colors. RED y = -3x + 5, [-1, 3] GREEN 2x + y = 5, { -1 < x < 3} BLUE 8x – 4y = -20, [-5, 1] ORANGE y – 2 = 3 (x +1 ),{ -4 < x < 1} – Which line would passes through (-3, 11)?
Graphing Practice cont’d. – Given the following equations, transform them as you like to be able to graph them in the specified colors. RED y = 2x – 6, {0 < x < 7} PURPLE y = 2x, [-3, 4] GREEN y + 1 = 2 (x +2), {-4.5 < x < 2.5} BLUE 2x – y = 3, [-1.5, 5.5] ORANGE 10x – 5y = -30, {-6 < x < 1} BLACK y = 8, [1, 7] and y = -6, {-6 < x < 0}